Search Results for “share”

How bike friendly were Wilmington, Dover and Newark 2 years ago?

The U.S Census Bureau conducts a major census of the United States once every 10 years. In the intervening years, the Bureau conducts a much smaller survey – the American Community Survey – of 3 million households. ACS data provides more up-to-date (but less accurate) information about U.S. communities. Because of the relatively small sample…
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November 21, 2010 0

Delaware’s 1st Sharrows!

The very first sharrows in the entire state of Delaware have appeared on Market Street in Wilmington! Congratulations to Wilmington! Will Newark follow suit? Find out! Visit the City’s Transportation Plan 2nd workshop on Nov.16 (info HERE).

November 15, 2010 0

Sharrows now official in the 2011 Delaware MUTCD, Wilmington

Permission has been granted for the use of Sharrows in Wilmington. The City has waited only 4 months since they applied for the go-ahead on Market Street, and installation appears imminent. The symbol, a proven safety and awareness tool for bicyclists and motorists alike, is still in interim guidance (memorandum in pdf HERE) and will…
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September 29, 2010 0

It’s Official: Delaware 2nd state to pass Vulnerable Road Users Law

From LAB. On August 12, Delaware’s Governor Markell signed SB 269 into law. The bill, modeled after an Oregon law, enhances the penalty for drivers convicted of careless or inattentive driving who cause serious physical injury to cyclists, pedestrians and other vulnerable road users. The new law includes sentencing guidelines such as: *  Completion of…
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August 13, 2010 0

“…the single most important piece of legislation for walking and bicycling to emerge from Congress in the last 20 years"

Here at Bike Delaware we’ve been focusedon the Active Community Transportation Act (ACT), and federal funding for “active transportation” generally, for over a year. Why? Basically, three reasons. First, while from the perspective of highway and road funding ACT is a trivial amount of money, for walking and biking it’s huge. Portland provides the context.…
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June 13, 2010 0

2010 National Bike Summit a huge hit for Delaware!

On March 9-11, 7 delegates from multiple organizations represented Delaware at the 2010 National Bike Summit. The above photo, taken at Rep. Castle’s office, L-R: Drew Knox, President, Bike Delaware Frank Warnock, PR Chair, Bike Delaware Kevin Mills (Rails to Trails Conservancy) Jenna VanSant, (Legislative Correspondent, Rep. Castle) Jim Ireland, President, Delaware Trail Spinners Amy…
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March 12, 2010 0