Search Results for “share”

Parallel Multi-Use Paths That Don’t Suck

One Small Step for AASHTO.  One Giant Leap For Bicycling. One of these days, the very careful, cautious, deliberative and conservative American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), will finally release their long-awaited update of the Guide for the Planning, Design and Operation of Bicycle Facilities.  The current Guide – which defines what…
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October 5, 2011 3

Bike Delaware Wins $10,000 Capacity Building Grant!

Advocacy Advance Awards $100,000 in Grants Aug. 10, 2011– In line with a goal to double federal funding for biking and walking, Advocacy Advance is awarding $100,000 in direct grants to four advocacy organizations. Using the grants to tap into federal funding streams and build their political influence, recipients will work to triple bicycle mode…
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August 10, 2011 1

SB 120 passes unanimously in Senate, House awaits

In what may be another “first” for the First State, Senate Bill 120 passed the Senate unanimously on June 30, and now awaits House approval in January 2012. This bill would confirm that bicycles may legally operate when proceeding straight in right-turn-only lanes, as well as when operated upon the paved shoulders of Delaware’s roads…
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July 7, 2011 1

Mia Birk: Fear of Cycling

by Mia Birk “I’d like to bike, but…” says the woman in front of me, a Toronto Councilwoman, at a recent forum. This is a phrase I hear all the time in my work creating bicycle-friendly communities. “But I’m afraid to…” She’s in good company! More than 60% of the population is interested in cycling…
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June 28, 2011 0

Bike Delaware a finalist for Advocacy Advance matching grant

By Gail Robillard, Treasurer, Bike Delaware Advocacy Advance (AA), a partnership of the the League of American Bicyclists and the Alliance for Biking & Walking, supports local and state bicycle and pedestrian advocacy efforts.  By tracking the performance of bike advocacy groups throughout the county, AA identifies winning strategies and best practices and shares the resulting knowledge…
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June 22, 2011 0

Mia Birk: It’s ALL Good

Mia Birk (left) with Bike Delaware’s Frank Warnock at the 2011 National Bike Summit. Mia Birk (former Portland Bicycle Coordinator): “People often ask me: what type of bikeway facility should we start with? Off-street paths? Cycle tracks, aka protected/separated bike lanes? Traditional bike lanes? Bike boulevards, aka neighborhood greenways? Shared lane markings?“   Basically, Mia…
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April 22, 2011 0

How the Dutch Handle the Right Turn Only Lane Problem

No “Pocket” Bike Lanes A Bike Delaware Working Group will meet this Thursday, April 14 to discuss the challenge that right turn only lanes present for bicycle users. A lot of discussion will reference the idea of a “combined” bike lane/right turn lane (a type of “pocket” bike lane, for when roadway width is constrained)…
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April 9, 2011 4

2011 National Bike Summit Review

Bike Delaware’s Frank Warnock attended the full League of American Bicyclists (LAB) 2011 National Bike Summit from March 8-10. Anthony Aglio, Delaware Department of Transportation’s (DelDOT) Bicycle Coordinator was also in attendance, invited by the League as a panelist for the breakout session “Follow the Money – Fundamentals of current Transportation Financing”. In what appears…
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March 12, 2011 1

Newark Bicycle Committee initiatives for 2011

At the end of 2010, Newark Bicycle Committee members weighed in on their priorities for the coming year. Keep your eyes open for the following happenings in 2011: Support adoption of the Newark Transportation Plan, which is expected to contain literally dozens of short- and medium-term bicycle facility recommendations. WILMAPCO will hold a final public…
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February 25, 2011 0

A Little Bit of Vancouver in Newark?

Cyclists have long known that one of the biggest challenges to riding in Newark is going west through downtown. Main Street, despite its low travel speeds during peak times, is hardly comfortable for bicyclists. As a result, we see many people illegally riding on Main Street sidewalks or “swimming upstream” in the eastbound Delaware Avenue…
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December 30, 2010 3