Search Results for “share”

How Boulder Signs Its (Seamless) Bikeway Network

Boulder, Colorado is one of just three “platinum” bicycle friendly communities in the United States (along with Davis and Portland). And it also has the 2nd or 3rd highest bicycle mode share in the country. How did Boulder do it?  In a word, it’s all about the network.  Or, as Boulder bicycle coordinator Marni Ratzel…
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July 31, 2012 0

Newark Bike Project Update

* * *  UPCOMING EVENTS AT THE NEWARK BIKE PROJECT  * * * OPEN SHOP– Every Tuesday, 6 to 9pm MECHANICS CLASSES – Taught during the month of August on Thursday nights. If you or anyone you know is interested, click HERE or please contact us through and we will reply with more details.…
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July 23, 2012 0

Michael N. Castle Trail at the C&D Canal Groundbreaking: Photos and Brief Recap

The weather turned out hospitable for the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Path Michael N. Castle Trail at the C&D Canal groundbreaking event held at noon on July 9th. Everyone was thankful that the temperature was nothing like Saturday’s 101+ degree heat. It was a excellent opportunity for everyone involved to gather, to officially break ground and…
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July 10, 2012 4

Transportation Enhancements is gone. “What do we do now?”

Finding a Route Forward Under MAP-21 July 6, 2012 Published on the League of American  Bicyclists blog   Last week, Congress did what many thought impossible – they passed a new transportation authorization bill. President Obama is expected to sign the bill into law on Friday. Unfortunately, that achievement came at the cost of a…
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July 9, 2012 0

Delaware General Assembly Votes $13.25 Million for Walking and Bicycling

    Both the Delaware House and Senate voted unanimously Saturday evening to approve a capital budget for the state of Delaware, including an unprecedented $13.25 million for walking and bicycling, a 90% increase over last year’s state commitment to walking and bicycling. With about 900,000 people, this represents approximately a $15 per capita funding…
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July 1, 2012 6

Bob Wheeler

By Carol Ireland, President, White Clay Bicycle Club – Yesterday, one of our own passed away.  He was doing what he loved and what brought him in contact with people who cared dearly for him.  A slim cyclist, he was dwarfed by the car that hit him.  But Bob Wheeler was a giant when it…
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June 29, 2012 0

Talking Heads’ David Byrne: This Is How We Ride

By David Byrne Published in the New York Times May 26, 2012 This summer the city’s Department of Transportation inaugurates a new bike-share program. People who live and work in New York will be able to travel quickly and cheaply between many neighborhoods. This is major. It will make New Yorkers rethink their rethink their…
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May 27, 2012 0

Bhatt: “We can’t just keep building…roads”

To Change Your Community’s Streets, the Action Is in the Statehouse by Tanya Snyder, Streetsblog At a National Bike Summit panel [March 20] on state-level bike advocacy campaigns, Dan Grunig of Bicycle Colorado spoke about the importance of reforming the agencies that spend the lion’s share of America’s transportation funding. “If you were starting from…
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March 30, 2012 0

How Boulder Signs Its (Seamless) Bikeway Network

Boulder, Colorado is one of just three “platinum” bicycle friendly communities in the United States (along with Davis and Portland). And it also has the 2nd or 3rd highest bicycle mode share in the country. How did Boulder do it?  In a word, it’s all about the network.  Or, as Boulder bicycle coordinator Marni Ratzel…
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March 30, 2012 0

Governor Markell Signs SB-120 Into Law

Senate Bill 120 passed the House unanimously on Tuesday, January 17th. Having already passed the Senate on June 30th last year – also unanimous – it was then signed by Governor Markell this week (week of Jan. 30). “This new law clears up any questions people may have had about whether cyclists can ride on…
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February 2, 2012 3