Search Results for “share”

The secret, under-used driver education trick available to every cyclist, every day

by Josh Zisson July 9, 2013 Published at Bike Safe Boston Drivers are stuck in cages all day, so it should be no surprise that they sometimes act like animals. The good news is, animals can be trained. Being exposed to more riders on the road is one way that drivers can become accustomed to…
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July 17, 2013 0

Comments from Delaware cyclists about sidewalk riding

  Question: How often do you ride on sidewalks? A) Never ever. B) Sometimes. C)  A lot. “Never ever.” – A.R. “Rarely if ever.” – L.W. “Never.” – R.P. “Rarely and only if conditions are such that I have to.” – K.P.  “Unless there is a dedicated wide bike lane I will use the sidewalk.…
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July 16, 2013 5

In memory of bicyclists…

Three days short of a year after Bob Wheeler died tragically, after being hit by a car while out on a recreational ride, a new area in the Smyrna Memorial Garden was dedicated.  On June 25, six WCBC/Bike DE members, Amy Wilburn (chair of the Delaware Bicycle Council), and Anthony Aglio and Jim Westhoff from…
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July 3, 2013 0

News Journal: Markell proposes casino bailout from tax revenue windfall

by Doug Denison and Jonathan Starkey The News Journal June 18, 2013 State officials announced Monday that higher personal income tax collections helped produce an extra $21.3 million for lawmakers to budget in the coming year, and Gov. Jack Markell proposed using $8 million of that to bail out Delaware’s three casinos struggling with regional…
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June 18, 2013 1

New York Times: For Bloomberg and Bike-Sharing Program, the Big Moment Arrives

He festooned New York City with hundreds of miles of bike lanes and dispatched chairs and picnic tables to Broadway, where cars once roamed. But for all of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s efforts to reimagine transportation in New York, critics and supporters seem to agree on the one that is most likely to define his…
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May 26, 2013 0

Delaware the 5th most bicycle-friendly state in America? “I figured either LAB had gone crazy or else I had.”

  “When I first saw the headline, I figured either LAB had gone crazy or else I had.” – recent comment by Bike Delaware reader Just a few years ago, Delaware’s “Bicycle Friendly State” ranking by the League of American Bicyclists (LAB) was somewhere in the 30s among the 50 states. In 2011, we were…
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May 17, 2013 20

Today: The Ride of Silence

On May 15, 2013 at 7:00 PM, the northern Delaware 10 mile Ride of Silence will begin at the Ed Oliver Golf Club in Wilmington.  Cyclists will take to the roads in a silent procession to honor those cyclists who have been killed or injured while cycling on public roadways.  Although cyclists have a legal…
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May 15, 2013 3

The sharrows have landed! (On Main Street in Newark.)

Newark: May 9, 2013 After a long wait, sharrows have finally landed on Main Street in Newark! Wilmington installed the first sharrows in Delaware on its Market Street downtown in 2010 and Lewes installed some on Bay Avenue last summer. City of Newark Principal Planner (and chair of the Newark Bicycle Committee) Mike Fortner fought hard…
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May 10, 2013 8

Connecting 21 Cities and Towns in the Boston Region with a Greenway Network

Note: Professor Peter Furth spoke last week at the Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit in Dover. In a recent paper, he and his co-authors describe a plan to connect 21 Boston-area cities and towns by a “greenway” network designed for cycling. 72% of the regional population lives within 1 km (0.62 mi) of the  proposed greenway…
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May 9, 2013 0

I Love LA

LA’s smart advertising campaign is cool. Why not make it better? Lose the (vague, confusing and useless) “share the road” bit (ugh), clarify why a cyclist may need to take the lane, slap on a DelDOT logo and here’s what we could have in Delaware for billboards and bus ads:       What do…
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April 2, 2013 2