Category: Transportation Trails

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

New Castle Weekly: “The End Is in Sight”

Published in the New Castle Weekly October 16, 2013 The New Castle Bike Rangers were treated to a sneak peak of the recently completed section of the Industrial Track by Bike Delaware Executive Director, James Wilson. From the current end of the trail at the edge of the Christina River, the final destination – the…
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October 23, 2013 0

Michael Castle Trail Opened

“I’ve never been a fan of having anything named after me. I feel like it’s the beginning of the end. But if you’re going to have something named for you, this is as good as it gets.” – Mike Castle, October 18, 2013 “Each time we open a new trail, we are a step closer…
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October 22, 2013 3

This Is Not Your Father’s DelDOT Project

If you missed the first DelDOT Public Workshop on the Wilmington-to-Newark Bicycle Highway, here is your second chance! Public Workshop Newark-to-Wilmington Trail Study Doubletree Hotel 700 North King Street Wilmington Wednesday October 16, 2013 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM As we said about the Newark workshop a couple of weeks ago: “Bring your kids. Bring…
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October 14, 2013 4

“Yes, Please!” (Newark-Wilmington Bicycle Highway)

by Melissa Nann Burke Published in the News Journal October 8, 2013 NEWARK — The public recently got its first look at conceptual routes for an off-road Newark-to-Wilmington path for cyclists and pedestrians. The response was a resounding, “Yes, please!” Read rest of article in The News Journal>>>

October 9, 2013 0

80% Of Success Is Showing Up

  “80% of success is showing up.” – Woody Allen Is Woody Allen’s advice still valid in 2013? Yes. For politics, it’s more valid than ever. But in a world of pervasive and ubiquitous email, social media, mobile devices and ‘online’ communication of all kinds the need to, and the huge impact of, just ‘showing up‘…
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September 26, 2013 0

CORRECTION: This Could Actually Happen…If We Demand It

  Bring your kids. Bring your siblings or folks. Bring your friends and neighbors. You can drop by for 10 or 15 minutes and then leave. But, whatever you do, just show up. What used to be a crazy, pie-in-the-sky scheme (a bicycle highway connecting the downtowns of Delaware’s largest and third-largest cities) is poised to become a real…
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September 25, 2013 5

This Could Actually Happen In Delaware

  A bicycle highway connecting the downtowns of Delaware’s largest and third-largest cities? A greenway easily accessible (within 2 miles) to 20% of the entire population of Delaware? It’s not just a crazy, pie-in-the-sky scheme anymore. It’s an actual, official DelDOT Public Workshop on October 1. How often do we have a chance like this to make…
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September 20, 2013 1

Atlanta Gets $18 Million Grant for Trail from U.S.

Published at September 2, 2013 ATLANTA — The City of Atlanta will receive an $18 million TIGER V grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the development of a 2.5-mile portion of the Atlanta BeltLine in the southwest corridor, announced Atlanta Mayor Reed on Monday. The TIGER V grant from the federal government…
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September 5, 2013 0

Superb Urban Bike Paths Catalyze Cycling In Every Great American Cycling City

Minneapolis (named the most bicycle-friendly city in U.S. by Bicycle Times magazine). Boulder (one of just four “platinum” ranked bicycle-friendly cities in U.S) Seattle (a “gold” bicycle-friendly city in the most bicycle-friendly state in the U.S.) Portland (another “platinum” U.S. city) What do all of these bicycle-friendly places have in common? Great urban bike paths…
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August 5, 2013 2

Indianapolis’ $63 Million Bike Lane is a Masterpiece

by Steven Litt Published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer In ambition, aesthetics and follow-through, Indianapolis’s new $63 million Cultural Trail deserves to be mentioned alongside New York’s acclaimed High Line park, Chicago’s Millennium Park and other new paragons of urban place-making. If there were an award for an American city with the most improved public realm, Indianapolis would…
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August 2, 2013 0