Wednesday announcement: Walkable Bikeable Delaware
With partners Sussex Outdoors and Delaware Greenways, Bike Delaware will announce the Walkable Bikeable Delaware 2013 Summit on Wednesday.
With partners Sussex Outdoors and Delaware Greenways, Bike Delaware will announce the Walkable Bikeable Delaware 2013 Summit on Wednesday.
This doesn’t have much to-do with cycling transportation, but its fun to learn about how your bike is made. Its never been something I wondered about. Yet after watching this video I want to know more.
A live webcast of Governor Markell’s budget address starts at 1PM HERE. RELATED: • “Whatever you do, don’t lose your momentum”
The City of Dover is forming a Bicycle & Pedestrian Sub-Committee. This is your chance to get involved by sharing your ideas and knowledge to make Dover a more friendly bicycle/pedestrian community for all to enjoy: When: TODAY, Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 5:00PM Where: City Hall Conference Room 15 Loockerman Plaza If you have an…
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Excerpt from Governor Jack Markell’s State of the State speech, January 17, 2013. Improving our Quality of Life “In the world we now live in, employers survive only when they hire the most talented workers. And talented employees want to work in places they are proud to call home. “Delaware is blessed with beautiful beaches,…
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Newark Bicycle Plan Public Workshop – December 6, 4-7 p.m., Newark Municipal Building, 220 Elkton Rd, Newark. Kick-off meeting for the development of the Newark Bicycle Plan. This is a “Drop In” event, where you can come by anytime between 4 PM and 7 PM and participate for 10 to 15 minutes, or hand around…
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But a 100 years ago they were. Starting around the 1920s, streets were taken away from children (and then from the rest of us as well). There are very few people alive today who remember this history. Now public educations campaigns like the ones shown below are unnecessary. They have been internalized and we teach…
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Always obey pedestrian & traffic safety laws RELATED: • More MUTCD Humor • First, Do No Harm to Pedestrians and Bicyclists
If you were unable to attend Bike Delaware’s 2013 Strategic Vision and Vote on November 15, you can still vote online here. Please tell us who you are and then rank your support of the following 10 candidate goals (the leading vote getters on November 15). You can indicate the level of your support for…
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The National Charrette Institute will be presenting a FREE webinar today at 1PM on Transit Oriented Development (“TOD”). The purpose of the webinar is to show how everyone involved in a TOD project – from the project sponsor to the community-at-large – can work together to produce an exemplar project in timely manner. The webinar…
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