Category: Everyone Gets Home

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

First Motorist Sentenced Under Delaware’s Vulnerable User Law

There are a lot of things we do while bicycling to avoid accidents and injuries. For safety’s sake, we should be doing these kinds of things: Safe behaviors:  for example, stopping at stop signs and red lights; riding defensively, watching what motorists around us are doing that could create problems for us; riding single file…
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January 29, 2013 1

Warning: your bicycle blinky light can kill you

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” – Mark Twain In the spirit of Mark Twain, and as a service to Bike Delaware’s readers, we offer the following caution on bicycle blinky lights, from Grant Petersen’s “Just Ride: A Radically Practical Guide to…
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January 14, 2013 8

Traffic Fatalities Are Declining in Delaware…Except for Pedestrians and Bicyclists

If you want to travel from point A to point B in Delaware, doing so has become increasingly safe…as long as you are traveling as an occupant in a motor vehicle. Traffic fatalities for occupants of motor vehicles have fallen almost every year for the past 10 years in Delaware.  That is a cause for…
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January 10, 2013 1

More bicyclists means fewer accidents

Featured in the Philadelphia Inquirer – As the number of bicyclists on Philadelphia streets has risen, cyclists and city officials have seen a counterintuitive result: The number of bike crashes and deaths has declined. This “safety in numbers” phenomenon has been documented elsewhere, and safety experts believe it is because motorists become more alert to…
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September 17, 2012 1

Bikes and Small Cars

Crazy Mini-Cooper Drivers   Pucher and Dijkstra have calculated that the bicyclist fatality rate in the United States was about 10 times (1000%) the fatality rate for the occupants of cars and small trucks per mile (or kilometer) traveled (1995). We summarized their work in a recent post (where we delved into the statistics a…
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June 28, 2011 4

Traffic Safety Facts : Bicyclists and Other Cyclists

In the most recent data released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Adminstration (NHTSA), there were 630 “pedalcyclist” fatalities in the U.S in 2009, which accounted for 2% of all traffic fatalities during the year. NHTSA’s report contains a wealth of other information, with the data broken down by rural / urban, intersection / non-intersection,…
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May 7, 2011 0

Florida deadliest state for walkers, cyclists – Delaware 2nd

MIAMI, Florida – According to USA Today, Florida is the deadliest state in the U.S. for pedestrians – and bicyclists don’t fare any better. In 2008, the most recent year for which federal statistics are available, 11.1% of pedestrians and 17.4% of bicyclists killed in the U.S. died in the Sunshine State, which has 6%…
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March 2, 2010 0