Category: Everyone Gets Home

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Bring on the havoc. Bring on the wobbly cyclists.

by James D. Schwartz Published at the Urban Country It’s no coincidence that drivers are more aware and cautious on streets that have more cyclists as opposed to streets where there are very few cyclists. Furthermore, wobbly cyclists are traveling slow and have more time to react to car doors and other objects they may…
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July 18, 2013 2

The secret, under-used driver education trick available to every cyclist, every day

by Josh Zisson July 9, 2013 Published at Bike Safe Boston Drivers are stuck in cages all day, so it should be no surprise that they sometimes act like animals. The good news is, animals can be trained. Being exposed to more riders on the road is one way that drivers can become accustomed to…
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July 17, 2013 0

Comments from Delaware cyclists about sidewalk riding

  Question: How often do you ride on sidewalks? A) Never ever. B) Sometimes. C)  A lot. “Never ever.” – A.R. “Rarely if ever.” – L.W. “Never.” – R.P. “Rarely and only if conditions are such that I have to.” – K.P.  “Unless there is a dedicated wide bike lane I will use the sidewalk.…
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July 16, 2013 5

Do you ride on sidewalks?

  The League of American Bicyclists recently released a series of videos about bicycling, including everything from “HOW TO CHOOSE A BIKE” to “TRAFFIC LAWS”. The one that caught our eye, though, was “Riding on the Sidewalk”: Riding on sidewalks is, as Commute By Bikes notes, a “hotly debated topic.” Here’s the video from the…
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July 15, 2013 2

Why Cyclists Get Hit

I’m reading Daniel Simons’ and Christopher Chabris’ book Invisible Gorilla. You’ve probably seen their video as it is one of the best-known modern experiments in psychology and a YouTube sensation with over 11 million hits. It shows two teams of three students passing basketballs. As a test, viewers are asked to silently count the number…
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July 13, 2013 4

Bike Sharing Can Mean Safer Biking

by Sophie Egan Published in the New York Times June 13, 2013 It took only a few days for reports of the first cycling accident involving New York’s new bike-sharing program to begin circulating. But experts and growing experience from bike-sharing programs in other cities make clear that bicycling can be a safe mode of…
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June 27, 2013 0

Congestion or crashes? Which costs Delaware more?

“The top priorities at DOT are to keep the traveling public safe and secure, increase their mobility, and have our transportation system contribute to the nation’s economic growth.” – United State Department of Transportation Nearly one-third of traffic fatalities in Delaware in 2012 were pedestrians and bicyclists. In the next few weeks, the Delaware General…
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May 28, 2013 5

The Last Time the National Transportation Safety Board Made a Bike Infrastructure Recommendation was in 1972

  Cross-posted from Systemic Failure Each year there are tens of thousands of fatalities on the nation’s highways. A disproportionate [number] of those are non-motorized users — bicyclists and pedestrians. Given that the NTSB has made over 13,000 safety recommendations, you might think at least some of those would relate to the dismal state of…
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May 16, 2013 0

News Journal Front Page: “Pedestrians at high risk”

Working group formed to study trend of rising fatalities in Del. by Melissa Nann Burke The News Journal Published April 11, 2013 [P]edestrian deaths statewide rose by 6.4 percent last year to 30 fatalities, compared with 19 in 2011. Five pedestrians have been killed on Delaware roads so far this year – nearly a third of…
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April 12, 2013 2

News Journal: “Pedestrian, bicyclist deaths jump in 2012 traffic fatalities”

by Melissa Nann Burke The News Journal Published January 3, 2013 Traffic fatalities on Delaware roadways rose by nearly 12 percent in 2012, an increase caused in part by a spike in pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities, according to preliminary figures from State Police and the Delaware Office of Highway Safety. Police recorded 115 traffic deaths last…
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January 30, 2013 1