Why not sponsor the people who ride every day?
You have to give some props to Giant Bicycle for this very nifty bit of marketing. And why not sponsor this guy? Let’s hope Giant brings this to the U.S.!
You have to give some props to Giant Bicycle for this very nifty bit of marketing. And why not sponsor this guy? Let’s hope Giant brings this to the U.S.!
Governor Jack Markell, October 14, 2011: “My goal is to make Delaware walkable and bikeable, so more of us can enjoy the great Delaware outdoors. We can create a network of bicycle and pedestrian trails by building on existing pathways and trails. We create jobs and connect communities across the state and at the same…
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Sen. Robert Venables, Sr. accepts the Bicycle Friendly Elected Official Award during the Delaware Bike Summit at the University of Delaware’s Virden Center in Lewes on Friday. RELATED: • Robert Venables and Jack Markell
Yesterday (September 22) was “World Carfree Day” which we know because Senator Coons’ office told us (while simultaneously giving a very nice shout-out to Bike Delaware on the Senator’s blog.) Senator Coons’ staff is clearly on the ball. (And doing our job for us.) Read the Senator’s blog HERE.
We are experiencing a bicycling revolution in Delaware, which would not have been possible without the leadership of Senator Robert Venables and Governor Jack Markell. Senator Venables is the author of “Walkable, Bikeable Delaware“, passed unanimously by the General Assembly in May, which directed the state to make direct and strategic investments in bicycling.…
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Shailen Bhatt, Associate Federal Highway Administrator, to become Delaware’s Ninth Transportation SecretaryDelDOT Press Release — June 9, 2011 Dover — Governor Jack Markell’s nominee for Secretary of the Delaware Department of Transportation, Shailen Bhatt (pronounced “SHAY-Linn BAT”), was confirmed by the Delaware Senate this afternoon. “I would like to thank the members of the Delaware…
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By Doug Denison, Dover Post.com Dover, Del. —The Delaware Senate today confirmed Gov. Jack Markell’s nominee to head the state’s embattled transportation agency. New DelDOT Secretary Shailen Bhatt is expected to be sworn in some time in the coming weeks. In the meantime he said he’ll be tying up loose ends at his current job…
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Governor Markell Nominates New Transportation Secretary Along with the League of Women Voters, the Delaware Nature Society, the Civic League for New Castle County, the Milltown-Limestone Civic Alliance and Delaware Greenways, Bike Delaware asked Governor Jack Markell to appoint a visionary leader for Delaware’s next DelDOT Secretary. Meet Shailen Bhatt: Read civic groups letter to…
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Following up on a unanimous vote by the Delaware Senate just two days earlier, the Delaware House also voted unanimously on May 12 to approve Walkable Bikeable Delaware, directing the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) to “create contiguous systems or networks of walkways and bikeways within and between cities and towns in Delaware in order…
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