
Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Why are Delaware roads so deadly for pedestrians? (video)

by Mark Eichmann WHYY Published on November 20, 2015 It’s happened. Again. Again and again. More than 30 pedestrians have been killed along Delaware’s roads in 2015. That’s higher than last year’s total of 27. “Every once and a while there will be a traffic fatality that grabs the public’s attention, but generally speaking these…
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April 8, 2011 0

Remembering Michael Gropp

We remember Michael Gropp, who was killed 1 year ago today at the intersection of Rt. 273 and Brownleaf. Michael and his girlfriend lived on opposite sides of Rt. 273, an 82 foot wide, 4 lane arterial road in east Newark. Michael was walking her home at 10PM on April 6, 2010 when he was…
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April 6, 2011 1

Cycling for Everyone

“It would be wonderful…[to not] have to be an excellent cyclist just to go down to the corner store….”

April 4, 2011 0

How walk friendly were Wilmington, Dover and Newark 2 years ago?

The U.S Census Bureau conducts a major census of the United States once every 10 years. In the intervening years, the Bureau conducts a much smaller survey – the American Community Survey – of 3 million households. ACS data provides more up-to-date (but less accurate) information about U.S. communities. Because of the relatively small sample…
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April 3, 2011 2

"Share The Road"?

A bit of Tuesday morning contrarianism from our friends down in Baltimore: Abandon ‘Share The Road’ …The “Share the Road” message doesn’t work. It’s time to abandon it….[in favor of the “Bike May Use Full Lane” sign]… And this is not a unique complaint. Other folks have also complained that the “Share The Road’ sign…
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March 29, 2011 3

Fighting for Danny Sheftal

Approximately 10% of Delawareans cannot afford and/or do not own a car. Bike Delaware is fighting to make it safe for people like Danny Sheftal to use a bike for their routine travel needs.

March 24, 2011 9

"For the equivalent cost of a single mile of freeway, we have a bike infrastructure."

PolitiFact Examines Portland Mayor’s Claim Portland mayor Sam Adams recently claimed that, for all the value that Portland’s bike infrastructure had brought to Portland, the entire cost of building all of this bicycle infrastructure in Portland was equivalent to the cost of a single mile of highway. That startling claim aroused the interest of the…
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March 21, 2011 1

Vehicular Cycling

Some of the annoying things we have to put up with:

March 17, 2011 0

"Four Solid Uses For Sharrows"

Last year, Delaware got a tiny taste of the new, MUTCD-approved “sharrow” marking. In 2011, we expect to see sharrows on Market Street in Wilmington and on Main Street in Newark.   But not everywhere. The sharrow marking tells both cyclists and motorists that it is permissible for cyclists to “take the lane“. But sharrows…
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March 14, 2011 0

2011 National Bike Summit Review

Bike Delaware’s Frank Warnock attended the full League of American Bicyclists (LAB) 2011 National Bike Summit from March 8-10. Anthony Aglio, Delaware Department of Transportation’s (DelDOT) Bicycle Coordinator was also in attendance, invited by the League as a panelist for the breakout session “Follow the Money – Fundamentals of current Transportation Financing”. In what appears…
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March 12, 2011 1