
Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Major new bicycle funding passed by Delaware Senate

10:42PM: Senate passes Senate Bill 130, which includes $5 million in new bicycle funding

June 30, 2011 0

3 Foot Law awaits Governor Markell’s signature

*** Major victory for bicycle safety and protection in Delaware ***  By Amy Wilburn, Chair, Delaware Bicycle Council  On Tuesday June 28, 2011, the Delaware House unanimously passed SB 38, the state’s “three foot passing” law.  The bill now moves to Governor Jack Markell, a cyclist and supporter of green transportation, to be signed into…
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June 30, 2011 0

Remarks by Executive Director James Wilson

Walkable, Bikeable Delaware One hundred years ago, Delaware families spent nearly their entire household budgets on just three things: food, clothing and shelter. Today, however, the 2nd largest expense Delaware families face is transportation. We spend more on transportation than entertainment, clothing, food, and even health care! More than $8,000 on average per year. The…
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June 30, 2011 1

Bikes and Small Cars

Crazy Mini-Cooper Drivers   Pucher and Dijkstra have calculated that the bicyclist fatality rate in the United States was about 10 times (1000%) the fatality rate for the occupants of cars and small trucks per mile (or kilometer) traveled (1995). We summarized their work in a recent post (where we delved into the statistics a…
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June 28, 2011 4

Mia Birk: Fear of Cycling

by Mia Birk “I’d like to bike, but…” says the woman in front of me, a Toronto Councilwoman, at a recent forum. This is a phrase I hear all the time in my work creating bicycle-friendly communities. “But I’m afraid to…” She’s in good company! More than 60% of the population is interested in cycling…
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June 28, 2011 0

Bike Delaware a finalist for Advocacy Advance matching grant

By Gail Robillard, Treasurer, Bike Delaware Advocacy Advance (AA), a partnership of the the League of American Bicyclists and the Alliance for Biking & Walking, supports local and state bicycle and pedestrian advocacy efforts.  By tracking the performance of bike advocacy groups throughout the county, AA identifies winning strategies and best practices and shares the resulting knowledge…
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June 22, 2011 0

The Zen of Roundabout Engineering

Two Approaches to Intersection Design New York City: Netherlands:  

June 17, 2011 2

Lewes to Georgetown Route

Overdue Anthony (Tony) Pezone, President, Sussex Cyclists: “As president of the Sussex Cyclists Cycling club I wish to strongly support the rail to trail or rail with trail from Lewes to Georgetown. As the traffic builds in Sussex County due to the influx of tourists and the growth of the population existing roads become more…
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June 14, 2011 2

Bike Parking, View from Orbit

A commenter recently asked where the picture of bike parking seen here Click to expand (+): was taken. If you look closely at the picture, you can see the name of the school in the background: “Vincent Van Gogh”. It turns out that there aren’t actually any schools named “Vincent Van Gogh” in the U.S.,…
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June 11, 2011 2

Senate Confirms Governor’s Transportation Secretary Nominee

Shailen Bhatt, Associate Federal Highway Administrator, to become Delaware’s Ninth Transportation SecretaryDelDOT Press Release — June 9, 2011 Dover — Governor Jack Markell’s nominee for Secretary of the Delaware Department of Transportation, Shailen Bhatt (pronounced “SHAY-Linn BAT”), was confirmed by the Delaware Senate this afternoon. “I would like to thank the members of the Delaware…
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June 9, 2011 0