
Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

League Applauds Delaware

The League of American Bicyclists is congratulating Delaware for it’s recent breakthrough. League Policy Analyst Darren Flusche writes: “Accessing federal funds can be a daunting task, even for experienced transportation officials, but it’s one with potentially game-changing pay-off. “Over the past twenty years, most bicycle projects have been funded out of a few dedicated programs.…
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September 7, 2011 0

C&D Canal Recreation Trail gets the green light

Article and photos by Carol Ireland, White Clay Bicycle Club President A “full house” of Delaware elected officials was present on Thursday afternoon (Sept. 1) to announce $4.2 million in federal and state funding to begin construction of the recreational trail along the C&D Canal. Senators Tom Carper and Chris Coons, Representative John Carney, Governor…
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September 3, 2011 0

Flashback: The Pomeroy and Newark Railroad

by Debbie Paruszewski Keese In today’s world we have so much on our minds that we tend to forget the importance and the historic fascination humans have with trains. After all, trains still figure largely in the transport of goods in our country, and they still carry coal to power plants that generate electricity. In…
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September 2, 2011 0

Construction Begins on Pomeroy and Newark Trail

Newark, DE (September 1, 2011) – The City of Newark announces that construction of the Pomeroy and Newark Rail Trail began on Wednesday, August 31. Newark’s City Council recently awarded the contract to construct the Pomeroy and Newark Rail Trail to Merit Construction Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $2.15 million. Construction is expected to…
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September 1, 2011 4

Shared Right Turn-Only Lanes: Update

Thanks to Mark Luszcz of DelDOT Traffic, the official schematic drawings for the final right turn-only lane (RTOL) treatment designs are complete. Next step is to submit them to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to ensure they are compliant with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). From there, Mark (lead engineer on the…
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August 30, 2011 2

Announcement for funding and plans for the C&D Canal Trail

The public is invited to Delaware’s Congressional Delegation’s announcement for funding and plans for C&D Canal Trail. We have few details at this time, however, it is expected that several financial hurtles have finally been cleared and the project is ready to move forward. Details as follows: Thursday, September 1, 20112:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Under…
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August 27, 2011 0

DelDOT Public Workshop: Georgetown to Lewes Rail Trail

City of Lewes Public Library 114 E. Third Street, Lewes Monday, August 22, 2011 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM The Delaware Department of Transportation is holding a Public Workshop to obtain opinions and insight from residents and visitors for the proposed development of the Georgetown to Lewes Rail/Trail Study. This workshop will focus primarily on…
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August 16, 2011 0

Wilmington to New Castle Route

Also Overdue Originally posted: June 15, 2011 Shane Hoffman, Wilmington: “As a resident of Wilmington who works in New Castle, the creation of a Wilmington-to-New Castle bicycle highway would improve my quality of life tremendously. I have attempted to commute to work by bicycle, but the only routes available to me feel much too dangerous,…
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August 13, 2011 2

Bike Delaware Wins $10,000 Capacity Building Grant!

Advocacy Advance Awards $100,000 in Grants Aug. 10, 2011– In line with a goal to double federal funding for biking and walking, Advocacy Advance is awarding $100,000 in direct grants to four advocacy organizations. Using the grants to tap into federal funding streams and build their political influence, recipients will work to triple bicycle mode…
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August 10, 2011 1