
Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

We don’t take a dime from government

The Castle Cruise is one of those not-so-common opportunities to have fun and do good at the exact same time: 100% of proceeds go to support Bike Delaware’s mission to advocate for safe, convenient and fun cycling and walking for everyone in Delaware. REGISTER NOW ($20 for adults. Kids ride free – but no beer for them!) If…
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May 13, 2019 0

Having Fun. Doing Good. Why Choose?

REGISTER NOW ($20 for adults. Kids ride free – but no beer for them!) If you’ve never ridden the Castle Trail – which extends all the way from one side of Delaware to the other (the only state in the U.S. that can claim such a trail!) – the Castle Cruise next Saturday (May 18)…
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May 12, 2019 0

24 Hours Left to Register for the 2019 Walkable Delaware Summit

In America, we often think of cycling as something that is the privilege of the young, or perhaps even only of the athletic. In the Netherlands, however, cycling is for people of all ages and all abilities. It’s hard to really and truly appreciate that reality – which so different from our experience living in…
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April 25, 2019 0

The Dutch Are Coming Back

When they were last in Delaware, New Castle was “New Amstel” and Lewes was “Swaanendael“. When they departed, they left behind key concepts that are now at the center of American life (like religious freedom and free-trade). But in just two weeks they are coming BACK to Delaware…for the 2019 Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit! What…
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April 19, 2019 0

International Team of Transportation Experts to Visit Delaware

The theme of the 8th annual Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit (May 2 in Dover) is “Dutch Ideas for Delaware.” As a result of over 40 years of innovation, most short trips in the Netherlands today are accomplished using a bicycle. The goal of the 2019 summit is to learn, directly, from leading Dutch transportation system…
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April 17, 2019 1

AARP Presents the 2019 Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit (May 2)

We should be able to remain in our own homes even when we can no longer drive safely. That’s why AARP is helping towns and cities nationwide become great, livable places for people of all ages, and is the presenting sponsor of the 8th annual Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit on May 2 in Dover. The…
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April 16, 2019 0

Register for the 2019 Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit (May 2)

The theme of the 8th annual Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit (May 2 in Dover) is “Dutch Ideas for Delaware.” As a result of over 40 years of innovation, most short trips in the Netherlands today are accomplished using a bicycle. The goal of the 2019 summit is to learn, directly, from leading Dutch experts on…
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April 8, 2019 0

Why Delaware Kills So Many Pedestrians Every Year and What We Can Do About It

Every single year in Delaware between two to three dozen people are struck and killed by motor vehicles while walking. Between 2008 and 2017, that made Delaware the second deadliest state in America (pedestrian fatalities per capita) for pedestrians (behind only Florida ). We can do something about all this unnecessary death and grief, and…
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January 28, 2019 1

Better Transit, Better Health, Cleaner Air and More Jobs

Do you own a car? Most people in Delaware do. But if you’ve ever lived here without owning a car you know that it can be extraordinarily difficult trying to get where you want to go in Delaware without one. In fact, it can be more than just difficult. It can be deadly. (Delaware is…
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January 11, 2019 0