Someone In Los Angeles Knows What They’re Doing
I saw this on the Alliance for Biking and Walking‘s Facebook page. It had about 100 likes and I decided to steal it:
I saw this on the Alliance for Biking and Walking‘s Facebook page. It had about 100 likes and I decided to steal it:
Do you live in a development with one entrance? Does your child have a friend in a neighboring development? Do you have to drive your child to her friend’s house, because there are no sidewalks between the developments? If this is something you have experienced then you need to be in Dover on May 1.…
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WALKABLE BIKEABLE DELAWARE 2013 SUMMIT Active Transportation, Healthy Families May 1 | Dover, Delaware REGISTER HERE Representative Valerie Longhurst, Majority Leader in the Delaware House of Representatives, will address the Walkable Bikeable Delaware 2013 Summit on May 1 in Dover. Last year, Representative Longhurst was a leader on two different pieces of pro-cycling legislation. In the spring,…
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WALKABLE BIKEABLE DELAWARE 2013 SUMMIT Active Transportation, Healthy Families May 1 | Dover, Delaware REGISTER HERE Modeled after the National Bike Summit and many state bike summits, a primary goal of the Walkable Bikeable Delaware 2013 Summit is to have bicyclists and walkers and Delaware’s many biking/walking supporters meet face-to-face with their state…
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WALKABLE BIKEABLE DELAWARE 2013 SUMMIT Active Transportation, Healthy Families May 1 | Dover, Delaware REGISTER HERE Governor Jack Markell will speak to the Walkable Bikeable Delaware 2013 Summit on May 1 in Dover. Governor Markell spoke at the National Bike Summit in Washington DC in 2010. At the time, he was the only Governor…
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WALKABLE BIKEABLE DELAWARE 2013 SUMMIT Active Transportation, Healthy Families May 1 | Dover, Delaware REGISTER HERE FOR SUMMIT SUMMIT PROGRAM REGISTER HERE FOR LEGISLATORS RIDE If you are passionate about cycling and creating a more bike-friendly Delaware…bring that passion to Dover on May 1. If you are passionate about reversing the epidemic of obesity-related chronic disease,…
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Where do transportation issues and public health concerns overlap in Delaware? With our partners Sussex Outdoors and Delaware Greenways, Bike Delaware will announce the Walkable Bikeable Delaware 2013 Summit tomorrow.
With partners Sussex Outdoors and Delaware Greenways, Bike Delaware will announce the Walkable Bikeable Delaware 2013 Summit on Wednesday.
The Mayor’s Vision for Cycling in Lodon London Evening Standard, March 7, 2013: “Meet Andrew Gilligan, Boris’s cycling czar: We want people cycling slowly, without helmets or high-vis… mini-Hollands in the suburbs and Quietways in the city” The Guardian, March 7, 2013: “Mayor’s new plans for cycling in the capital could re-shape the way Londoners…
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The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, or MUTCD, defines the national standards used by road managers for all traffic control devices, including road markings, highway signs, and traffic signals, on all public streets, highways, bikeways, and private roads open to public traffic. The MUTCD is maintained and updated by the Federal Highway Administration. The…
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