
Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Record $20.7 million for cycling and walking approved by Delaware General Assembly in early morning vote

The Delaware General Assembly voted early Friday morning to approve a capital budget for the state of Delaware that includes a record $20.7 million for cycling and walking improvements. In each year since the passage of Walkable Bikeable Delaware in 2011 the state of Delaware has made substantial financial commitments to improving cycling and walking infrastructure in the state.…
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July 1, 2016 75

Spectacular New Trails in Delaware Don’t Happen by Themselves

In his remarks last week opening the new Delaware City link of the Castle Trail, Governor Jack Markell noted that most people who will enjoy this new trail in the decades to come won’t have any idea of the hard work involved in making it happen. But that’s exactly what it takes: hard work. And money.…
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June 23, 2016 9

The Golden Bicycle Helmet Goes to – Of Course – Governor Jack Markell

At the annual Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit on Thursday, Delaware’s highest award for service to cycling – only awarded twice before – went to Governor Jack Markell. Some decisions are hard. Some are easy. Awarding the Golden Bicycle Helmet to Governor Jack Markell – the most bicycle-friendly governor in America – was the easiest decision…
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May 11, 2016 13

With leadership from McDowell and Bonini, Bikes+Transit bill advances on 17 to 3 vote by Delaware Senate

UPDATE: Bikes+Transit (Complete Communities) legislation signed into law. Led by the effective advocacy of its prime sponsors Senators Harris McDowell and Colin Bonini, the Delaware Senate voted 17 to 3 to approve the Healthy and Transit-Friendly Development Act. The fate of this innovative bicycle-friendly development legislation is now with the Delaware House of Representatives. See…
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April 14, 2016 0

Remembering Michael Gropp is not enough

When he was killed six years ago – on April 6 at about 10PM while crossing Route 273, a high-speed, four lane suburban arterial road that slices between a couple of subdivisions east of Newark – Michael Gropp was only 16 years old. I still have a vivid recollection of the insinuating questions raised immediately after…
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April 6, 2016 4

“Safety”: The 2016 Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit

Engineers, planners, community leaders, pedestrian safety advocates, public health professionals, police, cyclists and concerned citizens will join Governor Jack Markell and DelDOT Secretary Jennifer Cohan for a day long discussion on pedestrian safety at the 2016 Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit. Past summits have celebrated Delaware’s advance in the national Bicycle Friendly State rankings. After being ranked…
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April 1, 2016 3

Coons Asks U.S. for Help with Deadly Delaware Problem

Speaking at a hearing in Washington DC on Wednesday, Senator Chris Coons asked United States Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx for help. “Delaware actually happens to be one of the deadliest states in America for pedestrians,” Senator Coons told* Secretary Foxx. “It was #1 in the country in 2012 and 2013…and #3 in 2014,…
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March 18, 2016 128

Oregon Is Second State to Drop “Share The Road”

It took a few years but Delaware has acquired some welcome company. The state of Oregon is now the second state to decide to drop “Share The Road” signs. The Share The Road phrase “meant different things to different people,” said Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) spokeswoman Shelley Snow. ODOT will replace confusing Share The Road signs…
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February 26, 2016 1

On Judge Rocanelli’s Sentencing of Gabriel Pardo

On Friday, Judge Andrea Rocanelli sentenced the motorist who killed my son Phillip on September 12, 2014, to serve 8 years in prison. Gabriel Pardo did not set out with malice to kill anyone while driving home in Hockessin that September evening. But for my son Phillip, and his brother and sisters, and his parents…
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January 19, 2016 10

Best of Bike Delaware 2015: “New Study Confirms ‘Share The Road’ Is a Problem”

This article was originally published on August 29, 2015.  It was the the most viewed Bike Delaware article of 2015. “Comprehension of the familiar “Share the Road” signage as a statement of bicyclists’ roadway rights has been challenged, based on arguments that it is ambiguous, imprecise, frequently misinterpreted, and not designed for that purpose…In fact,…
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December 31, 2015 8