Our Team

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Our Awesome Team

James Wilson

Executive Director

James Wilson helps to lead Bike Delaware’s campaigns for improved traffic safety (Everyone Gets Home), low stress bicycle networks (All Ages and Abilities Cycling) and economic development (Complete Communities). He is a member of the governor-appointed Delaware Bicycle Council  and the Institute of Transportation Engineers and was named 2014 Professional of the Year, Nonprofit Sector by the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals. As the only registered lobbyist for people cycling in Delaware, he successfully lobbied (according to Bike Law) for “the best bike laws in the country.” During his tenure as Bike Delaware’s executive director, Delaware advanced in the national Bicycle Friendly State rankings for five years in a row, farther and faster than any other state, ever. He holds engineering degrees from Yale University and the University of Texas at Austin.

John Bare

Bicycle Friendly State Coordinator

John Bare was one of the “Raleigh Boys,” the first modern-era US cycling team to compete successfully in Europe. A former member of the US National Cycling Team, John has been the road-racing champion of Pennsylvania and Maryland-Delaware. An LAB League Cycling Instructor, John now focuses on cyclist safety and making Delaware a more bicycle-friendly place for cyclists of all types, ages and abilities. John serves as Bike Delaware’s Bicycle Friendly State Coordinator and his accomplishments have been recognized by both Newark (which named John its “Bicycle Friendly Community Leader” in 2018) and the White Clay Bicycle Club (which gave John its Distinguished Service Award for 2019). Reach out to John for educational information and resources.

Lori Speed

Marketing and Communications

Lori Speed is a runner. Not a great one, but happy to say that while she was never (contrary to her name) fast, she hasn’t lost time off her mile.  When she isn’t running for fitness, Lori tends to spend her saddle time teaching indoor cycling classes where she sees a lot of outdoor enthusiasts. She considers a ride on one of the fabulous Delaware trails a reward for all that exercise. Lori brings her passion for wellness, natural curiosity and interest in nuggets of information to Bike Delaware in a marketing and communications capacity with a focus on membership. Combining her diverse interests and curiosity she works behind the scenes to market and communicate the mission of bicycle and pedestrian safety, convenience and fun in Delaware.

As a wordsmith, Lori has experience providing content across multiple platforms including blogs, newsletters, scripts, social media, websites, email, press releases, advertising, and brochures. Her diverse portfolio includes promotions for manufacturing, health, wellness, fitness, corporate communications, employee engagement, member engagement, political campaigns, real estate and special events. Contact Lori (Lori@BikeDE.org) for partnerships, Amish Country Bike Tour and marketing questions.