Rep. John Carney on Job-Killing, Anti-Bike Bill in U.S. Congress

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Rep. John Carney on Job-Killing, Anti-Bike Bill in U.S. Congress

February 13, 2012 Federal Funding 0

The American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act (“H.R. 7”) will be voted on by the U.S House of Representatives this week. If enacted by the Senate as well, this legislation would eliminate the federal Transportation Enhancements program (“TE”) which, for the last 20 years, has been the main source (51%) of federal funding for walking and bicycling:

Bike Delaware contacted Rep. Carney for a statement on the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act:

Representative John Carney (Delaware): “Although I do not serve on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I am following the progress of the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act.  In December, I joined over one hundred of my colleagues from both sides of the aisle in calling for a long-term reauthorization that’s fully paid for and funded at or above current levels.  I do not support the elimination of successful programs that would limit Delaware’s ability to improve and expand its infrastructure for all modes of transportation.  Strong pedestrian and bicycle networks improve Delawareans’ quality of life and provide a safe way for families to shift to other modes of travel for work, school, and recreation.  When these networks are well designed and utilized, we consume less gas, reduce traffic congestion and vehicle emissions, and enjoy healthier lifestyles.  No other state in the country is making a more ambitious effort to invest in walking and bicycling than Delaware with its First State Trails and Pathways Initiative.  Any surface transportation authorization should, at a bare minimum, provide Delaware with the flexibility to allocate federal transportation funds according to our priorities.”

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