What Should Bike Delaware Do in 2012?

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

What Should Bike Delaware Do in 2012?

November 4, 2011 Bike Delaware Events 0

November 8: Bicycle Advocacy for the Busy Majority

If you could get one important thing done for bicycling next year, what would it be?

This is not an idle question.  We learned this year that it is an extraordinarily urgent one as moving government in a new direction requires energy, patience, intelligence…and, most importantly, focus.  The list below is a giant list of ideas from which we will probably choose just two or three to work on.   Please come out and vote on November 8 for the goals you think Bike Delaware should focus on in 2012:

Bike Delaware 2012 Priorities and Strategic Vision Discussion and Vote

Location: Wilmapco Offices, 850 Library Ave, Newark

Date: Tuesday, Nov. 8. Time: 6 pm.

Interactive map to start location HERE.


Candidate Goals

Active Transportation Skills for Children

Bicycle Boulevards

Bike Parking

Bicycle Priority Marking

Bike Friendly Roundabouts

Bike Friendly Training for Engineers

Bike Lane Striping Thru Intersections

Bike Safety/Education

Bikes on SEPTA

Centerline Removal on Low ADT Roads

CMAQ – Comparative Emissions Analysis

Crash Data FOIA Request

DelDOT Maintenance Policy for Bike Facilities

Dover/Clayton Off-Alignment Multi-Use Path (funding for engineering for a segment in FY2013)

Driver Education

Fair Share For Safety

FY2013 Funding for First State Trails and Pathways Plan

Georgetown/Lewes Off-Alignment Multi-Use Path

Level of Service Legislation

Lobby Day (Dover in the spring)

Newark Bike Co-Op

Paving and Maintenance List

Rebuttable Presumption of Liability Law

Reverse Angle Parking

Signature Bridge Over the Cristina River for the Wilmington/New Castle Industrial Track

Speed Camera Legislation

Traffic Calming

Wilmington/New Castle Industrial Track (funding for construction)

Wilmington/Newark Off-Alignment Multi-Use Path (funding for engineering for a segment in FY2013)

ZigZag Pavement Marking for DE MUTCD


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