2011 Delaware Bike Summit Final Notes, Survey

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

2011 Delaware Bike Summit Final Notes, Survey

October 31, 2011 Events 0

By Randi Novakoff, WILMAPCO —

Each of the previous Bike Summits held have concretely helped to move Delaware forward toward becoming a more bicycle friendly state, and this year’s Summit proved to be no exception.

This year we had many excellent speakers who informed attendees about a variety of topics including how bicycling may fair in the new transportation bill, the most recent bike lane standards for roadways, what local communities are doing to become more bicycle friendly, and a presentation on the proposed projects identified in Delaware’s draft Trails and Pathway Plan, which is currently available for public comment.  If you would like to view the PowerPoint presentations from the Summit, please visit:

Randi Novakoff, WILMAPCO
302-737-6205 ext. 111

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