2020 Voters Guide

From Claymont in the north (Senate District 1) to Bridgeville in the south (House District 35), Bike Delaware sent a survey to every single candidate running in a contested race for the Delaware Senate or Delaware House of Representatives on November 3. Of the candidates we contacted, over half (54%) answered. All of their answers are right here.
Our elected representatives in Dover are the people who – among other things – approve (or don’t) the funding to build major trails like the Wilmington-New Castle Greenway and the Lewes-Georgetown Trail; establish the laws that influence whether future development of our communities will (or won’t) be friendly for transit, cycling and walking; make the rules that govern the operations of influential state agencies like the Delaware Department of Transportation; and decide what Delaware’s Rules of the Road should be.
Bike Delaware’s candidate survey was very short: only three questions. Each question simply asked for the candidates’ views on the three major pieces of walking/cycling legislation that have been passed by the Delaware General Assembly in the last 8 years:
- “Delaware’s three-year-old law permitting safe yielding at stop signs by people using bicycles (HB 185 in the 149th Delaware General Assembly) eliminated a difficult (and sometimes controversial) enforcement issue for the police and has been accompanied, during the same period, by a disproportionate reduction in crashes involving bicycles at stop sign-controlled intersections in Delaware. I will support the extension of this law in 2021.”
- “I voted for, or agree with, Walkable Bikeable Delaware (SCR 13 in the 146th Delaware General Assembly) which called for strategic investments by the Delaware Department of Transportation in infrastructure for walking and cycling.”
- “I voted for, or agree with, the Healthy and Transit-Friendly Development Act (SS 2 for SB 130 in the 148th Delaware General Assembly), which established a mechanism in Delaware state law (Delaware State Code Title 2, Chapter 21) for State and local governments to coordinate transportation investments and land use regulation in order to encourage the development of walkable, bikeable and transit-friendly communities.”
If you are not sure which Senate and/or House District you live in, you can look that up very quickly by simply typing in your home address in the “Who is My Legislator?” box right here.
Claymont, Bellefonte and Trolley Square (Senate District 1)

Ms. Sarah McBride
Candidate for State Senator (1st District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Mr. Steven Washington
Candidate for State Senator (1st District)
Party: Republican
Survey Answers: No reply
Brandywine Hundred (Senate District 5)

Senator Catherine Cloutier (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Senator (5th District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Comment: “I have held a bike rodeo for safety awareness and would like to continue that as we go back to our new normal society. I am extremely supportive and would like to continue to expand ways our community can bike and walk safely.”
Legislative Record:
Walkable Bikeable Delaware: Co-Primary Sponsor
Healthy and Transit-Friendly Development Act: Co-Sponsor
Bicycle Friendly Delaware Act: Co-Sponsor
Ms. Kyle Evans Gay
Candidate for State Senator (5th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Comment: “My husband and I chose to live in Brandywine Hundred in part because of the walkability of the area. Our community is lucky to have sidewalks on many major thoroughfares and walking paths connecting neighborhoods to each other, to parks, and to schools. From my house, I am able to take my kids on a walk to a farmer’s market, a high school, a park, a coffee shop, a grocery store, and the library. I can speak from experience that connecting physical communities results in connecting people to their lived environments and to each other. As Brandywine Hundred continues to evolve, and as newer developments replace older structures, I am dedicated to ensuring that the connectivity of our community remains intact, that we expand biking and walking paths, and that the safety of bikers and pedestrians is a priority.”
Prices Corner, Elsmere and Newport (Senate District 7)
State Senator Anthony Delcollo (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Senator (7th District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Comment: “I have worked closely with community members and groups, like Mill Creek Neighbors for Safer Pathways, to advance multimodal transportation and safety for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians alike. When there are meetings or opportunities to address such concerns, I always show up and offer my support.”
Spiros Mantzavinos
Candidate for State Senator (7th District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Newport, Stanton, Christiana, parts of Newark and Pike Creek (Senate District 9)
State Senator Jack Walsh (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Senator (9th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Comment: “We have made great strides in Delaware creating trails such as the Jack A Markell Trail, Michael Castle Trail, New Castle Battery Park Trail and Pomeroy and Newark Rail Trail to name a few but there is still more to improve upon. Myself and other officials are currently working with DelDot, WILMAPCO, business leaders and residents on the Newport Transportation Study group, which is in my district, to move forward a plan to make the Town of Newport and the surrounding community a more walkable, bikeable community. This would be in hopes of providing a sustainable plan to improve conditions for bicycling and thus make it a reality. The ultimate goal is to make bicycling safe and convenient by reducing traffic congesting and the air pollution it causes thus improving quality of life for all. I will continue to work with our bicycling advocates to try to find ways to make our state roads more bike friendly.”
Mr. Todd Ruckle
Candidate for State Senator (9th District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
Survey Answers: Agree • Agree • Agree
Comment: “As a person who actually volunteered to build these trails, I greatly see the value for the community. Have our youth experience nature must be encouraged. As stated before, the funding of these trails needs greater support from the community that uses them. Would like to see all these trails requiring a park pass like our state parks require. This will help offset the cost to maintain all these trails since the super majority of Delawareans do not use them and do not benefit for the tax dollars spent on maintenance and snow removal.”
Wilmington Manor, New Castle and Bear (Senate District 13)

Ms. Marie Pinkney
Candidate for State Senator (13th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Comment: “I strongly support initiatives related to environmental justice. I think that infrastructure and transportation often get left out of those conversations. I look forward to working together to make safer streets for Delaware bikers. I worked in the trauma ICU for many years and too often I would see bikers and pedestrians that have been hit by vehicles. I will be proud to sponsor and support legislation that will bring an end to Delaware’s alarming rates of individuals being hit by cars on our roads.”
Alexander Homich
Candidate for State Senator (13th District)
Party: Republican
Survey Answers: No reply
From Middletown to Smyrna and from the Maryland Border to the Delaware River (Senate District 14)

State Senator Bruce Ennis (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Senator (14th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Legislative Record:
Walkable Bikeable Delaware: Co-Sponsor
Healthy and Transit-Friendly Development Act: Co-Sponsor
Bicycle Friendly Delaware Act: Co-Sponsor
Mr. Craig Pugh
Candidate for State Senator (14th District)
Party: Republican
Survey Answers: No reply
Western Kent County (Senate District 15)

State Senator Dave Lawson (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Senator (15th District)
Party: Republican
Survey Answers: No reply
Ms. Jaci Hugg
Candidate for State Senator (15th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Comment: “I am an avid cyclist and support Bike Delaware. I have worked at Bikeline and still keep my connections with the bike world. I believe that we need more walkable, bikeable and transit-friendly communities and connections. The pandemic has heightened the need to have alternatives for exercise and transportation. .”
Trolley Square and Greenville (House District 4)
State Representative Gerald Brady (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (4th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Survey Comment: “In my 14 years as a member of the Delaware General Assembly, I have been an ardent proponent of Walkable Bikeable Delaware, and a persistent advocate for funding such infrastructure. Keep up the good work!!”
Legislative Record:
Walkable Bikeable Delaware: Co-Sponsor
Healthy and Transit-Friendly Development Act: Co-Sponsor
Bicycle Friendly Delaware Act: Co-Sponsor
Mr. Jordan Nally
Candidate for State Representative (4th District)
Party: Republican
Survey Answers: No reply
Arden – Claymont (House District 7)
Mr. Scott Gesty
Candidate for State Representative (7th District)
Party: Libertarian
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Neither Agree or Disagree • Agree
Mr. Larry Lambert
Candidate for State Representative (7th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
Survey Answers: Agree • Agree • Agree
Mr. James Haubrich
Candidate for State Representative (4th District)
Party: Republican
Middletown (House District 8)
Ms. Sherae’a Moore
Candidate for State Representative (4th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Mr. Daniel Zitofsky
Candidate for State Representative (8th District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Survey Comment: “I’ve been a long time proponent for safety on this issue up and down the state. I’ve seen accidents even when bike lanes are being used. We need to install protection for bikers so they can ride safely. This provides quality physical and psychological health as well as a means of clean transportation. You have my support should I be elected or not for 8th District State Rep in Middletown.”
From the C&D Canal to Smyrna and East of SR 1 to the Delaware River (House District 9)
State Representative Kevin Hensley (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Senator (9th District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Ms. Debbie Harrington
Candidate for State Representative (9th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Hockessin, Yorklyn, Kennett Pike and Montchanin (House District 12)
State Representative Krista Griffith (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (12th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Survey Comment: “Improved safety and increased access for cycling is an issue that is very important to the residents of the 12th Representative District. I would be proud to sponsor legislation supporting these efforts. “
Mr. Jeffrey Cragg
Candidate for State Representative (12th District)
Party: Republican
Survey Answers: No reply
Bear – Delaware City (House District 15)
State Representative Valerie Longhurst (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (15th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Legislative Record:
Healthy and Transit-Friendly Development Act: Co-Sponsor
Bicycle Friendly Delaware Act: Co-Sponsor
See also:
Longhurst and Colleagues Fought for Trail Network Funding
Longhurst Cycling Delegation Heads to Washington DC
Mr. Michael Higgin
Candidate for State Representative (15th District)
Party: Republican
Survey Answers: No reply
East Newark (House District 21)
State Representative Mike Ramone (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (21st District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Legislative Record:
Walkable Bikeable Delaware: Co-Sponsor
Healthy and Transit-Friendly Development Act: Co-Sponsor
Bicycle Friendly Delaware Act: Co-Sponsor
Ms. Stephanie Barry
Candidate for State Representative (21st District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Survey Comment: “I first became involved in politics in my area because of an over development issue. Three Little Bakers golf course was set to be developed into hundreds of new homes taking away what little open space we had left and increasing the traffic volume on our already strained roads. We need to maintain the open space we have for walking, cycling, and hiking and we need to develop smarter to include more bike and alternative commute infrastructure to lessen the traffic volume. The Pike area has long not been a road bikers friend with very few bike lanes, limited paths and trail connectors, and road without even a shoulder for the safety of a biker. We must change this as our roads come up for redevelopment and pavement in the next few years and I will be fighting to ensure these types of ideas are included in the 2050 New Castle county zoning plan.”
Pike Creek, Hockessin and Newark (House District 22)
Representative Mike Smith (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (22nd District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Ms. Luann D’Agostino
Candidate for State Representative (22nd District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Comment: “My fiance is an avid biker and, prior to switching to a home office this year, would bike 15-20 miles each way to work on an almost daily basis. Unfortunately, I have seen him injured too many times because of roadways that were unsafe for cyclists, or drivers that were unwilling to share the road. As State Representative, I will support extending HB 185 to continue the trend towards safer cycling in Delaware and encourage continued investment in walkable, bikeable, transit-friendly communities that are essential to both fun and function in Delaware.”
East Newark (House District 24)
State Representative Ed Osienski (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (24th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Survey Comment: “I was the House prime sponsor of SS2 for SB 130, co-sponsor of SCR 13 and I voted YES on HB 185. As a avid cyclist and the Chair of the House Transportation, Land Use and Infrastructure Committee, I will continue to advocate for bicycle and pedestrian safety measures, and expanding walkable bikeable infrastructure.”
Legislative Record:
Walkable Bikeable Delaware: Co-Sponsor
Healthy and Transit-Friendly Development Act: Co-Prime Sponsor
See also:
Longhurst and Colleagues Fought for Trail Network Funding
McDowell, Bonini, Osienski and Keeley Introduce Bicycle-Friendly Economic Development Bill
Mr. Gregory Wilps
Candidate for State Representative (24th District)
Party: Republican
Survey Answers: No reply
South Newark and Bear (House District 26)
Mr. Tim Conrad
Candidate for State Representative (26th District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
Survey Answers: Agree • Strongly Agree • Agree
Madinah Wilson-Anton
Candidate for State Representative (26th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
Survey Answers: Agree • Agree • Agree
Glasgow (House District 27)
Mr. Tripp Keister
Candidate for State Representative (27th District)
Party: Republican • Web Site
Survey Answers: Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Mr. Eric Morrison
Candidate for State Representative (27th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Comment: “I have friends who are avid walkers and cyclists, and our campaign has heard from a number of such folks as we’ve knocked over 10,000 doors and placed almost 11,000 phone calls. I fully support the mission of Bike Delaware.”
Mr. William Hinds
Candidate for State Representative (27th District)
Party: Libertarian
Unincorporated Kent County West and North of Dover (House District 29)
State Representative William Bush (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (28th District)
Party: Democratic
Survey Answers: No reply
Ms. Robin Hayes
Candidate for State Representative (28th District)
Party: Republican
Survey Answers: No reply
Felton, Harrington, Southwest Kent County (House District 30)
Representative Shannon Morris (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (30th District)
Party: Republican
Survey Answers: No reply
Mr. Charles Groce
Candidate for State Representative (30th District)
Party: Democratic • Web Site
Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Neither Agree or Disagree • Agree
Northwest Dover (House District 31)
State Representative Sean Lynn (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (31st District)
Party: Democratic
Survey Answers: No reply
Mr. Richard Harpster
Candidate for State Representative (31st District)
Party: Republican
Survey Answers: No reply
Southeast Dover and Dover AFB (House District 32)
State Representative Andria Bennett (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (32nd District)
Party: Democratic
Survey Answers: No reply
Ms. Cheryl Precourt
Candidate for State Representative (32nd District)
Party: Republican
Survey Answers: No reply
Frederica and Southeast Kent County (House District 33)
State Representative Charles Postles (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (33rd District)
Party: Republican
Survey Answers: No reply
Ms. Rachael King
Candidate for State Representative (33rd District)
Party: Democratic
Survey Answers: No reply
Camden-Wyoming (House District 34)
State Representative Lyndon Yearick (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (34th District)
Party: Republican
Survey Answers: No reply
Mr. Adewunmi Kuforji
Candidate for State Representative (34th District)
Party: Democratic
Survey Answers: No reply
Greenwood and Bridgeville (House District 35)
State Representative Jesse Vanderwende (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (35th District)
Party: Republican
Survey Answers: No reply
Mr. Darrynn Harris
Candidate for State Representative (35th District)
Party: Democratic
Survey Answers: No reply
South Milford and Unincorporated Areas South (House District 36)
State Representative Bryan Shupe (Incumbent)
Candidate for State Representative (36th District)
Party: Republican
Survey Answers: No reply
Mr. Greg Fuller
Candidate for State Representative (36th District)
Party: Democratic
Survey Answers: No reply