Top 10 Reasons to Ride the Castle Cruise on Saturday

REGISTER NOW ($20 for adults. Kids ride free – but no beer for them!)
#10) Although the unseasonably cold weather this week might make it hard to believe, Saturday’s weather is going to be lovely (sunny and 70s).
#9) It goes all the way from one side of Delaware to the other: explore the beautiful and completely safe (and paved) Castle Trail.
#8) Bikes are great. Bikes AND beers: even better.
#7) Bikes and beers are great. Bikes AND beers on the sunny deck of Grain H20 (voted Delaware’s best new restaurant): even better still.
#6) Win something from a raffle (because why not?).
#5) $20.
#4) Kids ride free.
#3) Have fun AND do good at the exact same time (which is not all that common an opportunity in life).
#2) Help support Bike Delaware’s mission to make cycling and walk safe, convenient and fun for everyone in Delaware…
#1) …which definitely includes building MORE beautiful trails in Delaware like the Castle Trail!
You can either register right now ($20 for adults. Kids ride free – but no beer for them!) or on Saturday morning:
WHAT: The Castle Cruise!
WHEN: Riders head out anytime between 8:30AM and 10AM. Saturday (May 18)
WHERE: Grain H20 on the Castle Trail (3006 Summit Harbour Place, Bear, Delaware)