Win a Bike Delaware Jersey or Windbreaker: Be the First to Answer This Question

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Win a Bike Delaware Jersey or Windbreaker: Be the First to Answer This Question

December 20, 2015 Bike Delaware 83

*** UPDATE: Congratulations to Nancy Mikkelsen for guessing the correct answer. We’ll publish her answer tomorrow! ***

Every journey, no matter how long, begins with a single step.

Just a few years ago, Delaware was ranked in the 30s for bicycle-friendliness among other states by the League of American Bicyclists. Over the last five years, however, we have advanced farther and faster than any other state ever in the League’s rankings, to #18, then to #10, then to #5, then to #4 and, this year, to #3, behind only two other states in America.

But to paraphrase Governor Jack Markell, Delaware is not the Third State. We’re the First State. We’re proud to be the #3 most Bicycle Friendly State in America. But that’s not good enough for us. We want Delaware to be he #1 Bicycle Friendly State in America (with all the cycling awesomeness that that entails).

How do we make Delaware the #1 Bicycle Friendly State in America? It’s not going to happen overnight. It’s going to take a lot of hard work. It’s probably going to be harder to get from #3 to #1 than it was to go from the 30s to #3. But one thing is for sure. If we are going to have any chance, we’ll need a lot of help.

Do you want to help? The first step in helping to make Delaware literally the most Bicycle Friendly State in America is both easy and simple. Have you already done this? Do you know what it is?

What is

  1. completely free,
  2. takes less than 5 minutes to do and
  3. is the single most important first step that most Delawareans can do to help make Delaware the most Bicycle Friendly State In America?

Reluctantly, we will give one hint. The answer involves finding out – and remembering – four words. (These words will generally be different for different people in Delaware.)

Be the first person to answer this question and we’ll send you a Bike Delaware jersey (or windbreaker) because you are awesome.

Give your answer below or on Facebook!

What is the most important first step that most Delawareans can do to make Delaware the #1 Bicycle Friendly State in America? No, the answer is not “join Bike Delaware“! (Though that is something that would also really help!)


83 Responses

  1. Follow all the bike safety rules while riding a bike!!!

    • Staff says:

      That’s something you should do every time you ride and helps keep you safe. But the answer we’re looking for is something you only have to do once, takes less than 5 minutes and can help not just you but everyone who rides in Delaware.

    • Steven dettwyler says:

      Ride a bike. The more people that ride would lead to bigger public support for infrastructure development, greater awareness of bike safety, and a healthier Delaware.

      • Staff says:

        That takes more than 5 minutes and is something you should do (a lot) more than once! The answer we’re looking for is something you only have to do once and takes less than 5 minutes. But it’s an important first step for things like helping to bring more infrastructure development to Delaware.

    • Michelle Parent, that’s something you should do every time you ride and helps keep you safe. But the answer we’re looking for is something you only have to do once, takes less than 5 minutes and can help not just you but everyone who rides in Delaware in the future.

  2. Read the bike safety hand book.

  3. Inform our elected officials to support infrastructure for safe biking?

  4. Staff commented on Bike Delaware Inc.:

    That takes more than 5 minutes and is something you should do (a lot) more than once! The answer we’re looking for is something you only have to do once and takes less than 5 minutes. But it’s an important first step – a crucial first step – for most Delawareans if we are going to make Delaware the #1 Bicycle Friendly State in America.

  5. Write a letter to the politicians

  6. Sign up for Motivate the First State?

  7. Susan Bachtle He has fought for, and won, millions of dollars to improve cycling in Delaware:

  8. Learn the proper rules and riding etiquette of the roadways (as a driver or a cyclist), practice them every time you ride.

  9. First:Answer the question and LIKE Bike Delaware!

  10. ‘Ask the right questions’ … to improve your states ranking article!

    • There are four words every Delawarean who cares about making Delaware the greatest state for cycling should know. It only takes a few minutes to search for these words online…Hint: These words are generally different for different Delawareans…

    • Judy Benedict Pantalino, that’s something you might do every time you ride to be more visible. But the answer we’re looking for is something you only have to do once, takes less than 5 minutes and can help not just you but everyone who rides in Delaware in the future.

  11. Contact your state representative.

  12. Think before you ride!

    • Some people already know this information. But most don’t. For those who don’t know these 4 words, it takes just a few minutes of searching to find it online. But it’s the information everyone who wants to start helping to make Delaware the #1 Bicycle Friendly State in America needs as a starting point.

    • That’s a really good guess! But Carney, Carper and Coons represent Delaware in Washington DC. They help decide big issues like Social Security and whether America should go to war. They actually have very little to do with the sorts of decisions that affect how safe, convenient and fun it is to ride a bike back here in Delaware. Those decisions are made by other people….people who work right here in Delaware, not in Washington DC.

  13. Tell Your State Representatives.

  14. UPDATE: Congratulations to Nancy Freeman Mikkelsen for guessing the correct answer!

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