Clarke: “I’m Coming to Dover for the Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit on May 1”

Let’s get this prescription filled.
In three weeks, I will be in Dover for the 2014 Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit.
Last year, Delaware shot up in the League’s Bicycle Friendly State rankings to No. 5, making Delaware officially the most bicycle friendly state of all states east of the Mississippi River.
What will Delaware’s new official ranking be? I am going to personally announce it on May 1 at the Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit!
The summit is bringing government transportation agency professionals from two of the most bicycle friendly communities in America (Portland, Oregon, and Boulder, Colorado) plus Delaware elected officials, the entire senior management team from DelDOT, engineers (including Professor Peter Furth, the leading U.S. researcher on low stress bicycle routes), planners, cyclists, public health professionals and greenway and trail advocates from all across Delaware to downtown Dover on May 1.
The theme of the summit is How To Make Delaware the Most Bicycle Friendly State in America. That’s a theme, and an ambition, that the League of American Bicyclists strongly applauds!
You can register for the 2014 Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit by clicking here.
I hope to see you in Dover on May 1!
Andy Clarke is the president of the League of American Bicyclists