Results of 2010 Survey of Delaware General Assembly Candidates

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Results of 2010 Survey of Delaware General Assembly Candidates

October 26, 2010 All Ages and Abilities Cycling 4
What do candidates running this year for the Delaware General Assembly think about biking, and about making biking better?

Bike Delaware asked them. And 48% of them answered.

Did the candidates running to represent you in Dover respond to Bike Delaware’s survey? Check and see the survey results. You can look at them organized either by the name of the candidate or organized by district. In the latter case, it is easy to compare how candidates competing for the same seat answered our questions.

Any candidate with a score of “100” responded with “strongly agree” to all 5 survey questions.
Delaware General Assembly Survey Results

4 Responses

  1. says:

    I don't see any way to view their answers to the actual questions, only a numeric score. I want to see the actual results, not just a summary. Am I missing something?

  2. staff says:

    If a candidate got a score of "100", that means they answered "strongly agree" to all the questions. For other scores, though, you're right. We haven't posted the individual answers of each candidate, so it's impossible to know which specific questions they got a lower score on.

    Which candidates' answers do you want?

  3. says:

    All of them, or at least all the ones who got something other than 100 – some questions are more important than others, and some would lead me to want to know more from the candidate.

  4. […] been working on building support for direct network investments since last year, beginning with a candidate survey in September. Along with our coalition partners (especially Nemours Health and Prevention […]

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