Governor Jack’s Tour of Delaware in pictures

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Governor Jack’s Tour of Delaware in pictures

October 17, 2010 Events 0

Delaware Governor Jack Markell enjoyed a record turnout on Oct. 17 for his annual “Tour of Delaware”. Also joining the ride, among others was Delaware City Mayor John Martin.

Kudos to Nancy Waddell, who routed a perfect half century (50 miles) for the event.

Governor Jack (center), preparing the group for departure . . .

Close to 100 riders depart for Middletown, with SAG service provided by Jack’s Communications Director Felicia Pullam.

The “Peloton” storms the Saint Georges Bridge!

The ride concludes with plenty of comradery, photo ops, and social time with Jack. Pictured here (L-R) Frank Warnock (Bike Delaware PR Chair), Gov. Jack, and Carol Ireland (Bike Delaware Treasurer).


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