Support the Livable Communities Act

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Support the Livable Communities Act

June 30, 2010 Complete Communities Land Use Legislation and Policy 1

Right now Congress is working on the Livable Communities Act, which would help communities like these all across America plan for and create better and more affordable places to live, work, and raise families.

The bill would provide more than $4 billion in resources for local governments to shape their development through smart planning for the placement of transportation, homes, and businesses. The Act gives communities the tools to help residents avoid congestion, reduce emissions and gasoline consumption, protect green spaces, revitalize Main Streets, and create more affordable housing.

We can preserve the unique character and quality of life of our communities – but lawmakers won’t act unless they know this is a priority. Write to Congress today to tell them to support the Livable Communities Act!

One Response

  1. smallbizphil says:

    is there a deadline for this? If so, please advise. Thanks!

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