Comments from Delaware cyclists about sidewalk riding

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Comments from Delaware cyclists about sidewalk riding

July 16, 2013 Cool People Education Everyone Gets Home 5



Question: How often do you ride on sidewalks? A) Never ever. B) Sometimes. C)  A lot.

“Never ever.” – A.R.

“Rarely if ever.” – L.W.

“Never.” – R.P.

“Rarely and only if conditions are such that I have to.” – K.P.

 “Unless there is a dedicated wide bike lane I will use the sidewalk. I know it’s wrong but I just don’t feel safe on the road.” – D.D.

“Only when safety concerns dictate it.” – C.N.

“Only if I have to and there no other safer alternative.” – C. J.-P.

“Me and my road bike are on the roads.” – C.D.G

“Cleveland Avenue in Newark is a good example.” – M.D.

“I use them when I need to… if I am working downtown…I use them to avoid getting killed by the buses….when I am on 52 I use them in Greeneville to avoid the PA drivers trying to get to the red light on Buck road.” – R.J.S.

“Often, on specific portions of my commute. I almost never encounter pedestrians on these stretches.” – T.P.

“I’m like a B- or C+, if I’m honest…” – E.L.

“Never.” – R.G.

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Do you ride on sidewalks?

5 Responses

  1. Steve says:

    Delaware is home to tons of sidepaths attached to all of the new construction along many of our arterials. To some extent I can’t tell these paths from the sidewalks. Is the wide concrete path in front of Governor’s Square II a bike path? It looks like it’s designed to the width of one but it doesn’t say it allows cyclists and it’s concrete.

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