League of Women Voters Calls for Bike and Pedestrian Improvements by DelDOT

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

League of Women Voters Calls for Bike and Pedestrian Improvements by DelDOT

June 14, 2013 All Ages and Abilities Cycling 0



Dear Senators and Representatives:

On behalf of the League of Women Voters of Delaware, thank you for your support of the Bike and Pedestrian Improvements program in last year’s Bond Bill. We ask that you continue your support in the FY14 Bond Bill.

We urge you to keep intact the Bike and Pedestrians Improvements program within DelDOT, the only source of DelDOT’s bike funding that makes a concerted overall planning effort for bike and pedestrian travel in Delaware. Although the “routine accommodation” policy is modestly helpful it does not provide the overall planning which is so important to make sure that our tax dollars are spent wisely and not for piecemeal, disconnected projects.

You and your colleagues unanimously approved Senate Concurrent Resolution #13 in the last legislative session. This resolution, you may recall, “…requests that the Department of Transportation expand its efforts to create contiguous systems or networks of walkways and bikeways within and between cities and towns in Delaware in order to provide travelers with the opportunity for safe, convenient, cost-effective transportation via walking and bicycling.” Now it’s time to fund this important effort.

Besides encouraging good planning and promoting good health, reducing vehicle miles traveled (or VMT), is an important objective of the Delaware League of Women Voters. The more we walk and use bicycles, not only will we use our cars less and save on gas, but we’ll reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Quality of life improvement and the encouragement it offers to buy homes in Delaware is also a crucial element in the picture. What better way to reduce VMT, be healthier, and even to help our economy than to invest in walking and bicycling? Just one percent of DelDOT’s entire capital budget directed toward the Department’s Bike and Pedestrian Improvements program transportation budget isn’t a lot to ask for such profound benefits.

The League urges approval of this modest request for improving walking and bicycling in The First State.

Sincerely yours,

Carol Jones, President
Delaware League of Women Voters

Jane Dilley, Co-Chair
Land Use/Transportation Committee

Peggy Schultz, Co-Chair
Land Use/Transportation Committee


Letter from League of Women Voters re: Bike and Pedestrian Improvements

League of Women Voters of Delaware

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