The Last Time the National Transportation Safety Board Made a Bike Infrastructure Recommendation was in 1972

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

The Last Time the National Transportation Safety Board Made a Bike Infrastructure Recommendation was in 1972

May 16, 2013 Everyone Gets Home No Digest 0



Cross-posted from Systemic Failure

NTSBEach year there are tens of thousands of fatalities on the nation’s highways. A disproportionate [number] of those are non-motorized users — bicyclists and pedestrians. Given that the NTSB has made over 13,000 safety recommendations, you might think at least some of those would relate to the dismal state of our bicycle infrastructure, right?

A search of the NTSB online database finds hardly any mention of bike safety. I could find just a single report, which simply gives general guidance that the use of bicycles should be encouraged by the DOT and Dept. of Health. It was issued in 1972 — during the Nixon Administration.

I spent over an hour trying different keywords, but could find nothing else on bikes. On the other hand, I had no trouble at all finding reports on airplanes, trains, and automobiles.

It is ironic because the NTSB was specifically created by Congress to give outside, independent advice to highway planners. State and Federal transportation agencies have been so clueless about bike planning, you would think this would have been the one area where the NTSB outside “experts” provided guidance.

Read rest of article from Systemic Failure HERE>>>


• Bike Delaware Archive Category: SAFETY

29% of Traffic Fatalities in Delaware in 2012 Were Pedestrians and Bicyclists

• Traffic Fatalities Are Declining in Delaware…Except for Pedestrians and Bicyclists

• News Journal: “Pedestrian, bicyclist deaths jump in 2012 traffic fatalities”

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