News Journal Front Page: “Pedestrians at high risk”

Working group formed to study trend of rising fatalities in Del.
by Melissa Nann Burke
The News Journal
Published April 11, 2013
[P]edestrian deaths statewide rose by 6.4 percent last year to 30 fatalities, compared with 19 in 2011. Five pedestrians have been killed on Delaware roads so far this year – nearly a third of traffic deaths since Jan. 1, according to preliminary data.
Officials recently formed a working group of transportation engineers, educators, planners and police to study the trends and evaluate methods for reducing pedestrian deaths.
Read entire article in News Journal HERE>>>
Bike Delaware Note: Bike Delaware is the only nongovernmental participant in this working group.
• 29% of Traffic Fatalities in Delaware in 2012 Were Pedestrians and Bicyclists
• Traffic Fatalities Are Declining in Delaware…Except for Pedestrians and Bicyclists
• News Journal: “Pedestrian, bicyclist deaths jump in 2012 traffic fatalities”
• Senator Peterson Praises DelDOT for Improving Pedestrian Safety
• Another Pedestrian Struck at Rt. 273 and Brownleaf Road
2 Responses
Glad to see y’all are a part of this!
Why is this not enough to give the green light to completing the last phase of the pathway that would connect New Castle with Wilmington? Newark has done such an awesome job with connecting it neighborhoods to the James Hall and Pomery Trail so people do not need to use the roadways to access downtown Newark, I wish Wilmington would have the same advantage.