USDOT: Federal Funding For Walking and Bicycling Now Depends on Local Advocates

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

USDOT: Federal Funding For Walking and Bicycling Now Depends on Local Advocates

August 2, 2012 All Ages and Abilities Cycling Federal Funding 0

United States Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood

The new Boxer-Mica Highway Bill (aka MAP-21) eliminated the main federal program that had funded most walking and bicycling projects since 1992.  But United States Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says that federal funding for walking and bicycling is still possible.  But now local advocates are responsible for making it happen.  “Although highway formula funding is passed to the states, states can still use some of those funds for bicycle and pedestrian projects,” Secretary LaHood said recently.  “It’s true that MAP-21 permits the states to redirect transportation enhancement funding for purposes other than active transportation, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they will.  If accessibility advocates and biking and walking advocates make their voices heard in their state capitols and in their county and city councils, there’s no reason to believe that the tremendous progress we’ve made in the last three years can’t continue.”

Read Secretary LaHood’s full comments HERE>>


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