How Boulder Signs Its (Seamless) Bikeway Network

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

How Boulder Signs Its (Seamless) Bikeway Network

July 31, 2012 Bicycle Friendly Places Low Traffic Stress Bikeway Networks 0

Boulder, Colorado is one of just three “platinum” bicycle friendly communities in the United States (along with Davis and Portland). And it also has the 2nd or 3rd highest bicycle mode share in the country.

How did Boulder do it?  In a word, it’s all about the network.  Or, as Boulder bicycle coordinator Marni Ratzel emphasizes, the seamless bikeway network, which makes it easy and intuitive for anyone to get almost anywhere they want to go in Boulder on a bicycle.

To complement and reinforce this seamless bikeway network for Boulderians (Boulderites?), Boulder has developed its own unified bikeway network signing system.  As soon as you see one of these signs in Boulder, you know that you’ll be able to follow the bikeway network to get where you want to go.  The signage system also does one other thing that is extraordinarily valuable: it tells you what kind of bikeway is ahead.  Check it out:



• How Did Boulder Do It?

• Bike Delaware’s Vision

• How bike friendly were Wilmington, Dover and Newark 2 years ago?

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