Just One Year Ago

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Just One Year Ago

May 31, 2012 All Ages and Abilities Cycling 2


Just a little over one year ago, the Delaware General Assembly passedWalkable, Bikeable Delaware“, which called on the state to “create contiguous systems or networks of walkways and bikeways within and between cities and towns in Delaware in order to provide travelers with the opportunity for safe, convenient, cost-effective and healthy transportation via walking and bicycling.” Every member of the current (146th) Delaware General Assembly voted for Walkable, Bikeable Delaware.

Representatives Dave Wilson (left) and Harvey Kenton (right)

The critical committee vote on Governor Markell’s funding request for walking and bicycling will be in mid-June.  Have you contacted your state Senator and Representative to remind them of their vote last year in favor of Walkable, Bikeable Delaware?  Now that DelDOT is doing what the General Assembly asked them to do last year – submitting a proposed budget with millions of dollars earmarked for walking and bicycling projects – it would be a very good idea for us to remind our elected representatives that DelDOT is simply doing what they were told to do!

Here are some of the amazing projects that would be funded if the General Assembly approves the Governor’s funding request for walking and bicycling.

There’s still time for your representatives to let their colleagues on the Joint Committee on Capital Improvement (aka the “Bond Committee”) know how important the Governor’s funding request is – and that it MUST be supported.  Your elected representatives want – and need – to hear from you. Contact your state Senator and Representative and tell them you support the Governor’s proposal.  Ask them to tell their colleagues on the Bond Committee to support the Governor’s funding request for walking and bicycling.  It’s easy! Here’s how:

1)  If you don’t already know, find out which Representative and Senatorial district you are in.

2)  Look up your state representative and senator contact information:  Senators Representatives

3)  Send them an email or paper letter.  Tell them you support Governor Markell’s proposed funding for walkable, bikeable communities in Delaware.  Include a personal note about how biking and walking have positively impacted your life.  Here is a sample letter (word.doc) you can use, including vital safety statistics. Embellish as you wish.  But whatever you do, just let your elected representative know that this is important to you.  The vote on the Governor’s proposal will be next week or the week after.

Questions, or unable to act using the above instructions?  Email us at wbd@bikede.org.

2 Responses

  1. Fred Tarburton says:

    A BikeCAM ( Bike Camera ) video of my experience using my TREK mountain bike on Delaware Regional Transit.. DART bus service.. Bus#15 & Bus #41 from New Castle to Bear, Delaware
    Visit my channel on YouTube to view….feel free to forward as desired….

  2. Frank Warnock says:

    Excellent video, Fred! We’ll work it into a blog post in the coming weeks. Thanks!

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