Human fallibility is inevitable (but traffic deaths aren’t)

We are, all of us, fallible. Being human means we make mistakes. But we believe, with Secretary Buttigieg, that we should not build systems where making a mistake means death. In fact, we’ll go farther than that: we think building systems where people die when they make mistakes (and then calling those deaths inevitable) is immoral.
As of April 20th, traffic fatalities in 2022 are up over 70% in Delaware compared to 2021. (Pedestrian fatalities have more than doubled in 2022 compared to the first months of 2021.) That’s horrifying just on its own but it becomes even more so when noting that 2021 was itself the deadliest year on Delaware’s roads going all the way back to 2006. (Crashes are also the 2nd leading cause of death of teenagers in Delaware – more than cancer and all other diseases combined.)
Bike Delaware’s mission is to make walking and cycling in Delaware safe. A powerful strategy to accomplish that goal is to pursue infrastructure improvements that *also* reduce driver fatalities at the same time (*especially* when those improvements lower vehicle speeds). We call this strategy (and vision): “EVERYONE Gets Home.” To advance this vision, we are organizing Delaware’s (first-ever) Everyone Gets Home Summit on May 3rd.
Given the perilous circumstances we find ourselves in, the Everyone Gets Home Summit could hardly be more timely or relevant. We hope you can join us to help figure out the way forward. Thanks to the generous support of its sponsors (especially presenting sponsor AARP Delaware), the summit is completely free for all Delaware residents. This is an all-day and in-person conference on Tuesday, May 3, 2022 in Dover. The event will be held outside (under a tent) and – while proof of vaccination will not be required to attend – we ask that you not attend if you have any flu-like symptoms or have tested positive for COVID in any of the 10 days before the event.
If you registered for the summit but have not received a confirmation email, check your unread emails for an email from If you still don’t see a confirmation email, please email directly.
Check-in is from 8:00AM to 8:45AM. The conference program starts promptly at 8:45AM.