DelDOT to install a flashing beacon where the Lewes-Georgetown Trail crosses Sweetbriar Road.

A new flashing beacon is under construction at the Lewes-to-Georgetown Trail crossing on Sweetbriar Road west of Lewes.
DelDot is implementing a pilot program that will use state-of-the-art technology to alert motorists of approaching bicyclists and pedestrians. Read more as reported by the Cape Gazette which covers Delaware’s Cape Region.
2 Responses
Although the signage on the Georgetown-Lewes rail trail correctly notes the difference between pedestrians and cyclists, in my experience many cyclists assume they have the same right-of-way privileges as pedestrians. Unfortunately, the Cape Gazette article on the Sweetbriar Road warning lights incorrectly suggests that bicycles and pedestrians are treated identically when using the trail.
It would be a good thing if the trail made a clearer distinction between pedestrians and cyclists.
I learned about many important things I got clear and transparent ideas about many things Bicycles are eco-friendly Our body-health and environment-friendly vehicles. Thanks for this content