Most Delaware bicycle shops are open during the COVID-19 emergency

Bike Delaware has been in close contact with most of Delaware’s independent bike shops during the COVID-19 emergency and we are hearing the same thing from all of them: they want to be part of the solution. We know for a fact that all of these shops remain open:
302 Bicycles (Milton) • (302) 745-8338
Bike Line (Dover) • (302) 883-2565
Bike Line (Middletown) • (302) 285-0134
Brandywine Bikes (Wilmington) • (302) 475-7433
Dave’s Road Bikes (Dover) • (302) 632-8448
Garrison’s Cyclery (Centreville) • (302) 384-6827
Henry’s Bicycle Shop (Pike Creek) • (302) 455-1099
Lewes Cycle Sports (Lewes) • (302) 645-4544
Lifecycle (Milford) • (302) 233-1657
NBS Bikes (Newport) • (302) 391-1402
Newark Bike Project (Newark) • (302) 525-6833
Seagreen Bicycle (Rehoboth) • (302) 226-2323
Urban Bike Project (Wilmington) • (302) 300-4323
Wooden Wheels (Newark) • (302) 368-2453
Please call ahead before you visit, however. All of these shops are taking extraordinary measures to ensure the safety of their employees and customers and many have changed their hours. Some are operating by appointment only to make sure that they can enforce and control ‘social distancing.’
If you need to purchase a bike (as opposed to getting one repaired) none of Delaware’s bicycle shops are selling new bicycles in their stores but some (that have the technical capacity to do so) are selling bikes online with home delivery. Again: give them a call (or check their web sites).
While most of Delaware’s retail sector has been shut down during the COVID-19 emergency, automobile and bicycle repair facilities are among the small number of “essential” retail establishments that are being permitted to remain open. Bicycle repair is a particularly critical need in a situation where people have understandable concerns about using transit and DART has reduced bus service. In addition, hundreds of thousands of workers across multiple sectors of Delaware’s economy (including the restaurant, hospitality and a large variety of retail sectors) are facing massive layoffs and extended, long-term unemployment. Facing extraordinary economic uncertainty because of the current unprecedented crisis, the availability of a low-cost transportation option – the bicycle – has never been more urgent in our lifetimes. The bicycle shops above who have chosen to remain open are meeting that need.