Thank you, Governor Carney!

Dear Governor Carney,
Thank you for declaring “bicycle repair facilities” as among “Necessary Retail and Services Establishments” that may stay open during the COVID-19 emergency!
In a situation where DART has slashed bus service across the state and hundreds of thousands of workers across multiple sectors of Delaware’s economy (including the restaurant, hospitality and a large variety of retail sectors) are facing massive layoffs and extended, long-term unemployment, the availability of low-cost transportation options has catapulted in urgency during the current emergency. Delaware’s small, independent bicycle shops (while taking extraordinary counter-measures to enforce social distancing and keep all of their employees and customers safe) have seen exploding demand in the first two weeks of March, especially for repairs and the sale of used bicycles. As Delawareans face extraordinary economic uncertainty, they are realizing that low-cost transportation security may become as important to their families in the weeks and months ahead as food security.
Delaware’s independent bicycle shops are committed to improving the resilience of their communities in the weeks and months ahead. Thank you for giving them the opportunity to be part of the solution.
James Wilson
Executive Director
Bike Delaware
6 Responses
I am 100% in agreement with enforced physical distancing and I believe that bicycle repair and sales could occur with proper distancing. I agree with this petition and I also believe the volunteer bike repair place in Wilmington should be allowed to operate. Thank you.
Please I agree
Cycle shops are an integral part of our infrastructure, especially in difficult times such as we are facing. It is imperative that they remain open so as to keep cyclist going for their health, for their transportation, for their sanity! Please
I agree as my bicycle is my main source of transportation
“support activities for road transportation” (next to the same for rail, air, transportation), and the fact that bicycles are legal road transportation in Delaware, indicate that bike shops are classified as essential.
Bike shops essential for travel and recreation. If not the sale of them, then repair shops need to be open.