24 Hours Left to Register for the 2019 Walkable Delaware Summit

In America, we often think of cycling as something that is the privilege of the young, or perhaps even only of the athletic. In the Netherlands, however, cycling is for people of all ages and all abilities. It’s hard to really and truly appreciate that reality – which so different from our experience living in Delaware – without seeing it for oneself, so a trip to the Netherlands can be a life-changing experience: an entire country whose transportation system is built (for short trips, anyway!) around the bicycle. If we could, we’d just buy hundreds of round trip tickets for people in Delaware to go to the Netherlands and bring back ideas. Since we can’t afford that, however, instead we’re doing the next best thing: bringing the Netherlands to us next Thursday – to Dover on May 2 – for the 8th annual Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit, in the form of leading Dutch transportation experts who will explain how the Netherlands succeeded in making the bicycle the #1 mode of transportation for short trips.
If you live or work in Delaware, the summit is totally free. (But you do have to register. And registration closes TOMORROW – Friday, at noon.) We think the summit is going to be an awesome day (check out the program). Plus…did we mention that, at the very end of the summit (thanks to the remarkable generosity of Lifecycle), we are giving away a bicycle? That’s a photo of it above!
We hope to see you next week!
View the Summit Program