Delaware Senate Passes Bicycle Friendly Delaware Act

With overwhelming victories in both the Delaware House and the Delaware Senate, the Bicycle Friendly Delaware Act now goes to Governor Carney for action.
With overwhelming victories in both the Delaware House and the Delaware Senate, the Bicycle Friendly Delaware Act now goes to Governor Carney for action.
5 Responses
[…] to invest in high-speed rail, leading the U.S. to fall further behind its global peers. And Bike Delaware reports that the state legislature just passed a package of bike safety measures, including one […]
[…] to invest in high-speed rail, leading the U.S. to fall further behind its global peers. And Bike Delaware reports that the state legislature just passed a package of bike safety measures, including one […]
Pedestrians were around lone before the bicycle was invented and use to share he road with the vehicles. Why not include them in new legislation to share the roads with bicycles and cars and tractor trailers? Because it would be UNSAFE? Because pedestrians are slower then today’s vehicles and it would cause accidents? Why should that matter when we are talking about their rights? Don’t NON-BIKERS have the same rights as BIKERS? Common sense, keeping slower traffic such as pedestrians and bicycle OFF the roads with cars, hasn’t mattered with regards to BICYCLES, why should common sense be used regarding pedestrians? I am physically unable to ride a bike, this law violates MY rights as an American With Disability to the same right to use the roads as a pedestrian.
Although not reflected in our name, Bike Delaware is the only nonprofit organization in Delaware whose organizational mission – the reason we exist – includes walking. Read more at
Henry, we hear a lot of people talk about “rights” when it comes to transportation – as if the problem of three dozen dead pedestrians every year in Delaware is that we don’t have enough laws or enough police or enough lawyers. Our view (on how to make progress in reducing the number of pedestrians killed on Delaware’s roads) is different. It has nothing to do with “rights”. If you are interested in learning more, check this out: