My school age child needs a safe route to bike to school

Every bicycle project has to start life in a plan.
The Delaware Bicycle Plan (currently being created) is a once-in-a-decade opportunity to get the bicycle improvements your community needs in an official plan. So if you miss this opportunity, your next opportunity may not come around again until 2027! Where does your community need improvements to its bicycle network? (Even if you missed all theDelaware Bicycle Plan public workshops, we are still interested in your idea!)
Does your school age child live less than 3 miles from his or her school but doesn’t have a safe route to bike to school? We want to know (see below). And also check out the upcoming Delaware Bicycle Plan meetings (also below) where you can talk directly to the people putting the plan together. (And let your neighbors know about these meetings. One person demanding a safe route for a child to bicycle to school is a crank. But five people demanding safe bicycle connections for their kids are irresistible!)
Remember: the last Delaware Bicycle Plan was in 2005. You probably don’t want to wait another decade for the next one.
Upcoming Delaware Bicycle Plan meetings in Georgetown, Middletown, Dover and Wilmington:
Wed., February 22, 2017, 4-7pm Sussex County Council Chambers 2 The Circle, GeorgetownpastMon., February 27, 2017, 4-7pm Middletown High School 120 Silver Lake Rd, MiddletownpastTues., February 28, 2017, 4:30-7:30pm Dover Public Library 35 East Loockerman St, DoverpastWed., March 1, 2017, 4-7pm Wilmington Public Library 10 East 10th St, Wilmingtonpast