Best of Bike Delaware 2015: “New Study Confirms ‘Share The Road’ Is a Problem”

This article was originally published on August 29, 2015. It was the the most viewed Bike Delaware article of 2015.
“Comprehension of the familiar “Share the Road” signage as a statement of bicyclists’ roadway rights has been challenged, based on arguments that it is ambiguous, imprecise, frequently misinterpreted, and not designed for that purpose…In fact, the US state of Delaware discontinued use of the “Share the Road” plaque in November, 2013.”
– From “Bicycles May Use Full Lane” Signage Communicates U.S. Roadway Rules and Increases Perception of Safety, North Carolina State University, August 28, 2015
In November of 2013, Delaware formally discontinued the use of the “Share The Road” sign, the first (and so far still the only) U.S. state to do so. The sign was interpreted in diametrically opposite ways by cyclists and motorists and failed to prevent conflict and hostility between motorists and cyclists. Arguably, the sign may actually have been causing conflict.
Now a study published on Friday by researchers at North Carolina State University (NCSU) has confirmed what Delaware already knew: “Share The Road” is a problem.
The authors of the new study – both NCSU faculty – surveyed nearly 2,000 people and found that there was “no statistically significant difference in responses between those who saw ‘Share the Road’ signage and those who saw no signage” whatsoever in terms of their comprehension that cyclists are permitted in the center of the travel lane; that cyclists do not have to move right to allow motorists to pass within the same lane; or that motorists should wait for a break in traffic before passing in the adjacent lane.
In sharp contrast to the complete uselessness of “Share The Road”, survey respondents who were shown the “Bicycle May Use Full Lane” sign showed uniformly high understanding of permissible cyclist lane positioning and appropriate safe passing behavior for motorists.

Large study from North Carolina State University confirms that “Share The Road” is a problem.
It’s been almost two years since Delaware discontinued any new installation of “Share The Road” signs. Perhaps this brand new study, with its unambiguous results, will now encourage some other states to finally follow Delaware’s lead. Hey, heads up Washington and Minnesota…
@GOBuffalo @lilliealbert honestly, I had no idea what the purpose of the “Share The Road” sign even was until right now. Not a biker.
— Jesse J. Anderson (@jessejanderson) September 10, 2015
@GOBuffalo in fact I'm retweeting it, because I'm getting mad just thinking about it. I know motorists have no clue what it means!
— Tyrannical Hole🐐 (@haemish_smash) September 9, 2015
James Wilson is the executive director of Bike Delaware.
• Why “Share The Road” Is Gone in Delaware
• Here They Come (“Bicycles May Use Full Lane” signs in Newark)
• Delaware Cyclist Ticketed for Riding His Bike Is Arraigned
8 Responses
No matter, any speed over 35 is scary for this cyclist even if they
“share the road.” But please, can something be done about the speeding on Cape Henlopen Drive in Lewes. Motorists speed to Cape Henlopen State Park convinced the dunes are sinking into the ocean. I have been asking our DE legislators to look into the speeding, lack of signage and faded lines on this roadway. As a straightaway motorists turn CH Drive into their private speedway.
昨年11月、『ヒトラーに抵抗した人々 反ナチ市民の勇気とは何か』と題された本が出版された。そこに描かれているのは、ヒトラー独裁に至る当時のドイツの経済情勢と、ナチ体制の経済的受益者としてヒトラーを支持した国民たちの姿、そして、自らの意思に基いて、命を顧みずヒトラーに抵抗した、さまざまな市民たちの勇気に満ちた活動内容と、その遺族たちの戦後だ。わたしたちが本書に出合ったのは、最新号「音楽の学校」特集の製作まっただ中、音楽を通して「これからの教育」をとらえようとしていたときだった。
そして、最後に、我々は詳細な観察には非常に、非常にまれな腕時計は、白金にパテックフィリップノーチラスref 5711。パテックフィリップの最高を提供しただけなのだ(あなたが何を意味する単語を取ること)のクライアント。とだけではありませんが、異なる材料。他の微妙な違いのホストでもあります。この珍しい腕時計の良い観察をするあなたの機会は、ここにあります。
会見のゲストが含まれます:ロレックス最高経営責任者官迈ヤルノ(Bruno Meier)さん、国家体育総局にボールが運動管理センターの主任、中国ゴルフ協会副会長兼秘書長张小宁さん、中国ゴルフ協会副会長王立伟さん、上海市体育局副局長陈一平さん、上海市体育局競争処処長崔一宁さん、R&Aアジア太平洋区総監多米尼兄・ヴォル(Dominic Wall)さん、アメリカPGA選手権国際事務常務副総裁Ty Votawさんや身をロレックス巡茶」の世界トップ選手梁文冲。
カルティエカルティエcléダウンスロープを厚い側を持つと突起となってトノースタイルから来ていることにある「レトロネス」があります。この時計はちょうど少しそれより大きいという意味で作成すると、幅40 mm(最大の)に、私はそれにハンサムな男性のモデルを作ると思います。オメガ スーパーコピー私は、どのように快適なclé手首に誇張することはできません。これは、低座って時計を手首に心地よくさせる場合の曲率に起因する。