Remembering Phillip Bishop

By Sophia, Lili and Michael Bishop
One year ago our brother Phillip Bishop was struck and killed by a motorist while cycling home from work. He was wearing all the recommended safety gear including a helmet, reflectors and lights, and was cycling lawfully and following the rules of the road.
Losing Phillip has created a hole that can never be filled. His loss has diminished the lives of his family and of the many people he touched with his positive spirit and contagious smile.
We ask you to pause and think about Phillip today and consider your own driving. Distracted driving comes in many forms. The most serious form is being impaired by drugs or alcohol but the harsh reality is that much more innocent forms – like using your cell phone or attending to children – can be just as deadly.
Whenever you get in a driver’s seat, you are operating a piece of potentially deadly heavy equipment. Each time you turn on the ignition you assume a solemn responsibility to guard the safety of other road users – especially the most vulnerable. Although you don’t know them, the people whose safety you are responsible for are mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers and beloved children. Please keep Phillip’s spirit alive in the coming year by taking the same care for their safety that you would hope and pray other people would take when your loved ones are out on the road.
5 Responses
Could I ask a favor from all my face book friends. If all of you could simply go to the following site about my cousin who was hit and killed and simply add a comment of “I Care” that would mean the world to me. Please click on the link:…/witnesses-describ…/72627378/
I want to show the judge this is bigger than just one person. I also want to make sure Phillips legacy is not forgotten.
The link to the judge doesn’t work.
I care! And promise to never talk on my phone or text while the car in in motion.
I CARE — and we care at the Lebaonon Valley Bicycle Coalition in PA
I Care! I’m very sorry for your loss. It was 13 years ago today that my father was killed while cycling when he was hit by a driver in a tow truck.