Bike Delaware’s Summer Photo Contest

Bike Delaware’s Summer Photo Contest: Capture your favorite biking moments and enter your photos.
The top three photographs judged by our panel win Bike Delaware swag (jerseys and/or windbreakers).
To qualify , your photos must show bikes or bicyclists and a tie to Delaware.
All submissions will also be considered for use in Bike Delaware social media, marketing, publications, press releases, and advertisements.

Fox Point State Park
Rules and Regulations
- Submit entries by e-mail to by September 30, 2015.
- The e-mail subject line should be: Summer 2015 Photo Contest
- Include your address and phone number
- Images must be in .jpg format, at least 1 to 2 megabytes in size, and include photographer’s first and last name. Number the photos if you are submitting more than one image.
The winner will be announced here and on our Facebook page, Twitter, and Instagram!
Use of your content: Submitting your content implies that you take full responsibility that your submission is completely original and grants permission for Bike Delaware to edit, publish, and reuse your content, giving due credit but no financial award.
2 Responses
Trap pond state park in Delaware
Not a submission, but a cool little picture of my little guy riding 24mi to Battery Park in Delaware City :). I was so proud of him!