We Ride. They Make Money.

What if every time we took a ride, money automatically went to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware, YMCA of Delaware and Special Olympics Delaware?

It’s called “Motivate The First State.” Every time you go for a ride, log your miles and money is automatically sent to three Delaware charities. And that’s it.
It’s called “Motivate The First State“.
If you are a supporter of one or more of these three great Delaware charities and a cyclist, now you can make your cycling – that you are already doing anyway! – count for these charities.
The “registration” takes about 10 seconds (email and a password is all that is required). And then just start logging your miles. (If you’ve got a smart phone with the appropriate app, you can set that to upload your miles automatically.)
Seriously. That’s it. We ride. These 3 Delaware charities get money.
What if your favorite Delaware charity is not one of these three? If this program is successful (i.e. if lots of people in Delaware sign up and participate), there’s a good chance that more charities will be made eligible in the future. So sign up now. Your favorite charity may be able to get on the list and benefit next year!
Sign Up for Motivate The First State and Make Your Rides Count for Charity
And Once You’ve Registered, Join Bike Delaware‘s Team! (Just Click on “Teams” and select “Bike Delaware”)

Once you’ve registered, join a team by clicking on “Teams” and selecting from one of more than a dozen Delaware teams, including the Downstate Delaware Striders and Riders, White Clay Bicycle Club or BIKE DELAWARE!
7 Responses
This is a great idea! I’d love to see the YWCA Delaware and ContactLifeline on the list of charities that benefit from this.
Absolutely. Our hope is that if a lot of people in Delaware participate, the list of charities will be expanded next year. Heck, maybe they’ll put Bike Delaware on the list, too.
How do we sign up?
How about using the money to support safe cycling: bike paths, bike lanes, and education of both drivers and cyclists.
The most important source of funding for bike paths and bike lanes is the state of Delaware’s “Bike and Pedestrian Improvements” program. Check out the “feedback” section of Delaware’s recent Bicycle Friendly State Report Card (3rd item): http://bikeleague.org/sites/default/files/BFS2015_Delaware.pdf
James Mauldin Greg Smith Jr.