2014 Delaware Bike Lovers Voter’s Guide

Bike Lovers in Delaware!! READ THIS before you vote on Tuesday, November 4.
Candidates running in contested races for the Delaware General Assembly on November 4 are listed below alphabetically by last name.
The five “2014 Survey” questions are HERE. Links to the survey questions are also provided below under each candidate for easy reference.
If you are not sure if any of these candidates are running to represent you, you can look up your districts here:
Representative John Atkins
State Representative (41st)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
See also:
Walkable Bikeable Delaware (co-sponsor)
Donald Ayotte
State Representative (20th)
Party: IPOD
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Agree • Neither Agree or Disagree • Agree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “I support Bike and pedestrian trails because it improves health and promotes physical activity. More people will actually bike or walk short distances to work saving money and resources.”
Representative Andria Bennett
State Representative (32nd)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Representative Stephanie Bolden
State Representative (2nd)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Agree • Agree • Agree
Senator Colin Bonini
State Senator (16th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: Agree • Agree • Agree • Agree • Agree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “Keep up great work!”
See also:
“We won. We won BIG.”
“State Budget Committee Backs Markell On Cycling”
Robert Bovell
State Representative (3rd)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Representative Gerald Brady
State Representative (4th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “I am an ardent supporter of all alternative efforts to create new bike and hike initiatives.”
See also:
“Governor Markell to Sign Vulnerable Road Users Law” (co-sponsor)
Walkable Bikeable Delaware (co-sponsor)
“Governor Markell Signs Bill To Make Cycling Official State Sport of Delaware” (co-sponsor)
Representative Ruth Briggs-King
State Representative (37th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Neither Agree or Disagree • Agree • Agree • Agree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “As a biker and walker, I support safety and shoulders for trails. But, we have major highway needs and if resources are limited, I believe we must focus on the critical needs as our priority.”
See also:
Walkable Bikeable Delaware (co-sponsor)
James Brittingham
State Representative (39th)
Party: Libertarian
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Matthew Brown
State Representative (8th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Senator Brian Bushweller
State Senator (17th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Neither Agree or Disagree • Neither Agree or Disagree • Neither Agree or Disagree • Agree • Neither Agree or Disagree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “Re item 1 – while I voted yes on the Resolution because I generally support increased bicycle usage, I noted in remarks on the floor that if the Resolution were to be implemented as written, it could cost in the billions of dollars. I think that is excessive.”
“Re items 2 and 3 – while the theory underlying these assertions seems reasonable, I would prefer to see the actual research on the issues before commenting.”
“Re item 5 – I believe these issues should be considered the context of all transportation needs.”
See also:
“State Budget Committee Backs Markell On Cycling”
“Governor Markell Signs Bill To Make Cycling Official State Sport of Delaware” (co-sponsor)
Sarah Buttner
State Senator (4th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Kyle Buzzard
State Representative (6th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Neither Agree or Disagree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “I believe that pedestrian and bike trails are a key to Delawareans maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle. As a frequent user of the Northern Delaware Greenway trails through Foxpoint, Bellevue, Bringhurst and Rockwood, I’m well aware of the benefits of a walk through nature here in Delaware.”
“I would need to further study the economic impact due to transportation savings of walking and biking and I’m certainly open to the possibility of that being an economic benefit of the trails. One aspect that the survey did not discuss is the quantifiable impact to our tourism industry. Having well planned and thought out hiking/walking/biking trails is a definite boon in attracting visitors to Delaware.”
“We face major challenges with State funding here in Delaware. We need leadership in Dover that will stop raiding the Transportation Trust Fund so that funding is available for important projects like Walkable Bikeable Delaware and Delaware Greenways.”
Douglas Campbell
State Representative (9th)
Party: IPOD
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Disagree • Agree • Strongly Disagree • Strongly Disagree • Strongly Disagree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “I do not believe in borrowing to pay for infrastructure. Cuts in State spending should be made until there is no more borrowing needed. Roads, bridges, and walking/ biking path repair and maintenance should be top priorities for the budget, public employee pay raises should be LAST. We shouldn’t rely on the Feds for funding because of the strings attached. Watch the “The Secret of Money 4″ on YouTube, I have an alternative to the Dollar and it will eliminate all current forms of taxation and replace them with a flat transaction tax between 1-3%. Its Time for an Independent.”
Samuel Chick
State Representative (31st)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Richard Collins
State Representative (41st)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Gregory Coverdale
State Representative (16th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Leroi Dyton
State Representative (2nd)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Patrick Emory
State Senator (18th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Jonathan Gallo
State Representative (30th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Senator Bethany Hall-Long
State Senator (10th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “As a public health nurse, UD professor, and avid fitness fan I am pleased to strongly support the Sussex Outdoors, Bike Delaware, and Delaware Greenways Initiative.”
See also:
“Walkable Bikeable Delaware” (co-sponsor)
“State Budget Committee Backs Markell On Cycling”
Representative Debra Heffernan
State Representative (6th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
See also:
Walkable Bikeable Delaware (co-sponsor)
“Governor Markell Signs Bill To Make Cycling Official State Sport of Delaware” (co-sponsor)
Senator Margaret Rose Henry
State Senator (2nd)
Party: Democrat
See also:
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
“Governor Markell Signs Bill To Make Cycling Official State Sport of Delaware” (co-sponsor)
Kevin Hensley
State Representative (9th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Jason Hortiz
State Representative (9th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Agree
Representative Deborah Hudson
State Representative (12th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Neither Agree or Disagree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “This question is too open ended to answer. You know the DEFAC process needs to be taken into consideration!! And–there is talk of changing the TTF uses somewhat. Yes–I would want to continue funding for this issue, but I cannot swear I would vote that way just based on “stable” revenue. Stable for the whole year or just for one DEFAC meeting?? See how complicated it gets??!!”
See also:
“Governor Markell to Sign Vulnerable Road Users Law” (co-sponsor)
Walkable Bikeable Delaware (co-sponsor)
“We won. We won BIG.”
“Representative Hudson Welcoming the Summit”
Representative Quinn Johnson
State Representative (8th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “As current House Chair of the Bond Bill committee, I supported these initiatives. Thank you!”
See also:
“State Budget Committee Backs Markell On Cycling”
Representative James (J.J.) Johnson
State Representative (16th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “I am a strong supporter.”
See also:
“Governor Markell Signs SB-120 Into Law”
Representative Helene Keeley
State Representative (3rd)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Agree • Agree • Neither Agree or Disagree • Agree • Neither Agree or Disagree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “I will not commit future funds at this time. We do not know what the budget will look like. Look at what has happened with the Farm and Open Space funding that hasn’t been there, yet past general assembly’s said it would.”
Robert Keesler
State Representative (4th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Peter Kramer
State Senator (29th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Senator Greg Lavelle
State Senator (4th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Matthew Lenzini
State Representative (15th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: Neither Agree or Disagree • Agree • Neither Agree or Disagree • Neither Agree or Disagree • Agree
2014 Survey Comment(s):”I bike. I enjoy it. I will support the walkable / bikebale DE plan assuming we are financially sound and have the capital dollars to support it – without having to raise taxes.”
Representative Valerie Longhurst
State Representative (15th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
See also:
Longhurst and Colleagues Fought for Trail Network Funding
Representative Valerie Longhurst at Walkable Bikeable Delaware 2013 Summit
Longhurst Cycling Delegation Heads to Washington DC
Governor Markell Signs Bill To Make Cycling Official State Sport of Delaware
Senator Ernesto Lopez
State Senator (6th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Agree
“Go where there is no path (crossing Route 1) and leave a trail (under the Nassau Bridge!)”
Sean Lynn
State Representative (31st)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Agree • Agree
2014 Survey Comment(s):
John Mackenzie
State Representative (22nd)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “I’m more of a runner than a biker (36 marathons & ultra-marathons, only 2 triathlons) but am a heavy user of bike lanes, paths and trails.”
John Marino
State Senator (10th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Neither Agree or Disagree • Agree
Robert Martin
State Senator (2nd)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Sean Matthews
State Representative (10th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Marie Mayor
State Representative (20th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
David McCorquodale
State Representative (21st)
Party: Green
2014 Survey Answers: Neither Agree or Disagree • Strongly Agree • Neither Agree or Disagree • Strongly Agree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “As a long distance runner, I believe walking, running and biking are very important – not only for personal health, but also as means of cheaper transportation. While I checked “neutral for questions 1 and 4 (because I was not a legislator), I would support much greater growth in funding for bike and pedestrian improvements in future legislation. I believe we need to decrease automobile transportation as much as possible.”
William McVay
State Representative (32nd)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Representative Joe Miro
State Representative (22nd)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: Agree • Strongly Agree • Agree • Neither Agree or Disagree• Agree
See also:
Governor Markell to Sign Vulnerable Road Users Law (co-sponsor)
Walkable Bikeable Delaware (co-sponsor)
Lynne Newlin
State Representative (11th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Agree • Agree • Agree
Steve Newton
State Representative (22nd)
Party: Libertarian
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Agree • Agree • Agree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “That phrase, “as long as Transportation Trust Fund revenue is either stable or growing” is key. As long as the General Assembly continues to loot the Transportation Trust Fund, we will never see timely repairs, needed improvements, or desired renovations. I will not vote for any budget that takes money out of the TTF for other purposes, and as the TTF naturally grows again I will support bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure as a key part of any comprehensive transportation infrastructure program.”
Representative William Outten
State Representative (30th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Representative Charles Paradee
State Representative (29th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Representative Harold Peterman
State Senator (33rd)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Jeffry Porter
State Representative (12th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
John Potter
State Senator (21st)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Representative Michael Ramone
State Representative (21st)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Agree • Agree • Agree • Agree • Agree
See also:
Walkable Bikeable Delaware (co-sponsor)
“State Budget Committee Backs Markell On Cycling”
Paulette Rappa
State Representative (37th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Bryant Richardson
State Senator (21st)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
John Robbins
State Representative (33rd)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Representative Bryon Short
State Representative (7th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Representative Dan Short
State Representative (39th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
See also:
“Governor Markell to Sign Vulnerable Road Users Law (co-sponsor)” (co-sponsor)
“The most bicycle-friendly state east of the Mississippi River”
Senator Gary Simpson
State Senator (18th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: Agree • Strongly Agree • Neither Agree or Disagree • Agree • Agree
Gordon Smith
State Representative (30th)
Party: Libertarian
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Stephen Smyk
State Representative (20th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Agree • Agree • Agree
Claire Snyder-Hall
State Senator (6th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
Representative Jeffrey Spiegelman
State Representative (11th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
James Startzman
State Representative (19th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Michael Tedesco
State Senator (16th)
Party: IPOD
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “In our ever increasing sedentary society, I am a firm believer in providing safe areas for biking and walking.”
Judith Travis
State Representative (10th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Neither Agree or Disagree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “Question #5 – Because there is no way to determine the fiscal condition of our State at this time, I would have to wait and see before making any financial promises for FY2016. Thank you for all your good work.”
Senator Robert Venables
State Senator (21st)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree • Strongly Agree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “Being a long-time bike rider, I definitely supported SCR 13 and was the Prime Sponsor. Thank you for all your efforts on the behalf of those of us who love biking.”
See also:
Delaware House and Senate Pass “Walkable Bikeable Delaware”
Walkable Bikeable Delaware (author)
“2011 Bike Friendly Elected Official”
“Robert Venables and Jack Markell”
“Delaware General Assembly Votes $13.25 Million for Walking and Bicycling”
“Senator Venables Welcoming the Summit”
“State Budget Committee Backs Markell On Cycling”
Kim Warfield
State Senator (17th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Representative Kimberly Williams
State Representative (19th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: Agree • Strongly Agree • Neither Agree or Disagree • Agree • Agree
Robert Wilson
State Representative (7th)
Party: Libertarian
2014 Survey Answers: Neither Agree or Disagree • Agree • Agree • Neither Agree or Disagree • Agree
2014 Survey Comment(s): “I would like to see more biking; especially here in N. Wilmington. My concern would be safety. I am sensitive to Sussex Co. though, having lived there 25 years.”
Theodore Yacucci
State Representative (34th)
Party: Democrat
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
Lyndon Yearick
State Representative (34th)
Party: Republican
2014 Survey Answers: NO REPLY
14 Responses
OK folks I sent in a reply and got a confirmation email. Why am I listed as “no reply”?
Mr. Newton: We apologize for this omission. Your very thoughtful answers were somehow missed. This error has now been corrected.
Thank you again for participating in our candidate survey.
Mr. Newton: We apologize for this omission. Your very thoughtful answers were somehow missed. This error has now been corrected.
Thank you again for participating in our candidate survey.
ブランドコピー時計 おかしいことは、すなわち、ので、私はまだ映画を見ていないと映画でありません特に習慣を着てwatneyの腕時計の説明から入手可能である(彼は宇宙服を着ていないとき)私はこのカーキネイビー腕時計は、映画の中でどのように突出したか本当にわかりません。しかし、私はそれをいくつかの良いスクリーン時間を得ます。ハミルトンは、マット・デイモンは、映画の中の時計を着用することを本当に確認しました。 http://www.brandiwc.com/brand-super-19-copy-0.html
Rolex(ロレックス)中国で現在樹立のイメージと世界各地で現れたイメージ同様、すなわち一つ抜群で象徴的なブランドに満ちて。中国人はちょうどこのような熱心を象徴するもの。まさにという考えさせるためにRolex(ロレックス)のクラウンもっと輝いて、会社はナンバー2ダニエルNeidhartそのチームを率いて、描き出し「ロレックス世・界」(ザRolex Experience)の想い。ダニエルNeidhart香港オフィスで、主にグループが所有子会社の業務。彼の心をこめて画策下で、敷地面積は800平方メートルの「ロレックス世・界」が上海でグランドオープンによって家ローカルの小売業者の日常管理担当、内の施設の展示ホール、精品展示区及び専門店、計200以上の表の陳列や600枚在庫腕時計。これはRolex(ロレックス)一項の異例の措置。ウブロ時計コピーブランドの明確にもなかったが、「ロレックス世・界」は間違いなくて、世界のその他の地方が普及のため、各地の人々は期待して同じ体験を楽しむ。 http://www.newkakaku.com/coq1.htm
ティソは、スイスのイータunitas 6497手動巻き機械的運動として始まった。この運動は、しばしば選ばれるとき、白骨化はそれがすべてどのように働くのを見る多くのその内臓を掻き出すように本当にできました。それさえ巧みに白骨化したと刻まれたときは非常に美しく見えます基本的な運動を助けます。どんなティソここでしました。完全に白骨化した腕時計を提供します、しかし、1つのことをまだ読みやすいです。部分のダイヤルの詳細は以下の機転で時間と分の指標の全てを持つことになる。ロレックス スーパーコピー ブラックまたはシルバーダイヤルと来て、ティソのスポーティ・ローマ数字としては、24時間の時間分のフルスケールを使用しています。ダイヤルに切って、さかさまのキノコに似ている。この窓は時間に干渉しない、そして、あなたは右に移動します。 http://www.bestevance.com/rolex/day-date/index.htm
今回のピーターSpearke-Marinさん携帯からブランドの創立以来の多くの代表作を含めて、ウブロ時計コピーMARIN-1など、MARIN-2やUnique piece限定版Piccadilly Panda、ゴッドオブTime、Thalassaなど経典之作。優雅に味わいがあるとして、工芸非凡象徴伝統タブ造詣と優雅な手本が融合した腕時計傑作集まった一人一人のゲストの心が折れ、当日現場賓客と時計師を思い切り歓談霊感とタブと心得て、喜びの優雅な雰囲気の中で、共に楽のどかな午後の時間。 http://www.bagkakaku.com/vuitton_bag/2/N55213.html
これはsevenfridayシリーズで私の問題である。この音はセンセーショナルかもしれないとして、私はシリーズの古典であったと思っています。それはそれとして崇拝して非常に軽蔑されるかもしれません、しかし、それに耐えた。その価格の点で、そのように見えるのは、それがその生産実行上の数千と何千もの特徴のコレクションに設定されている。その影から踏み出すとき、単に、sevenfriday sevenfridayシリーズその先駆者に接続するために何かをしました。彼らが、何sevenfriday 01シリーズv 3で明らかなように、同一のパターンレイアウトを次のリリース計画、シェアードソースからインスピレーションをとって、各シリーズの各モデルを用いた ガガミラノスーパーコピー 。で、シリーズは、1、2、3の各々と、それぞれに触発された産業の本質によって、産業革命、産業用エンジン。これは、消費者は各々の以降のシリーズが好きになったのですdnaのいくつかの表現かもしれないが、多くのバリエーションが期待できる手段(または憎しみ)は、以前のリリース。それが意味するもののために人々と女の子は、sevenfridayプレスリリース文書で請求されたラインの下の宣伝の年を維持するのにかなり創造的になるだろうということです。 http://www.bestevance.com/rolex/submariner/index.htm
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確かに気まぐれなエマニュエル・ブーシェの合併症についての1つの時計のように膨大な量があります。今でも、エマニュエル・ブーシェの合併症の2つの作品であるので、私は我々がブーシェ氏の心から期待したいことがたくさんあると思います。 http://www.ooobrand.com/bags/hermes/2249.html
リチャードミルのrm 011レッドtpt石英をntpt炭素であるもう一つの興味深い材料を用いた一対の赤い色のついたtpt石英材料が用いられている。これらの材料は、一緒に時計のケースを作ります。をここで見てください、最初のリチャード・ミルntpt rm 35-01ラファエル・ナダルを実際に行った。ボート漕ぎとテニスにレースから・・・ http://www.ooobag.com/watch/franckmuller/tonneau/6df2d4b8c64fb4c0.html
これは2010年に自身への機械的なセイコースポーツ腕時計です。純粋に機械的な春のドライブに対する米国に拠点を置くアナンタ腕時計運動を代表して、この2010年の自動巻きクロノグラフ参照srq009チタンに対する新しい。私が最初にこれを見たとき、私はそれを見て、限定版になるということをかなり確信しました、しかし、それはそうチタンアナンタ自動セイコーのハイエンドの世界市場の自動の非常にスポーティなバージョンを提供している普通のコレクションの一部です。スーパーコピー時計ブランド私はそれに私の手を得て、それをチェックすることができました、そこで、それはかなりセクシーな探してそれの画像をここで見ることができます。私が言うことができることはかなり素晴らしいですが、炭素繊維ダイヤル腕時計は、私が好きである! http://www.okakaku.com/Super-Copy-9577.html
パネライ スーパーコピー 腕時計の直径44 mmということです、そして、私の意見で、素晴らしい―見える白ゴム・ストラップの上に来そうです。回転ベゼルであり、多くの人々のためのダイビング腕時計のないダイブウォッチしません、しかし、このものはまだ水抵抗の300 mとそれはあなたがそれをダイビング–リンデそのダイブコンピュータを提供したいときのためにそのそでの上で何か他のものを持ち、「リーフ」をリアルタイムでダイバーの追跡することができます。センサを用いて、3軸コンパス、mpuプラットフォーム、警報システム、それは深刻なダイバーのためのユーティリティの多くを提供することは、ブランドのダイビング腕時計の場合には、迅速かつ容易に急にできるように設計された。あなたがそれのために余分の注意を払います。 http://www.bestevance.com/cartier/tank/
スーパーコピー 財布真心込めて最高 レベルのスーパーコピールイヴィトン偽物ブランド品をお届けしています。安全税関対策+ 素早い配送+随時の在庫補給+丁寧な対応+スーパーコピー販売業界最低価格に挑戦 !当店は業界最高品質に挑戦!全商品はプロの目にも分からないルイヴィトン 財布スーパーコピーです。 http://www.newkakaku.com/l12.htm