The Shorefire Ride (Saturday, August 16)

White Clay Bicycle Club is again offering the Shorefire Century ride with its scenic routes (35, 65, and 100 miles) on Saturday, August 16, taking you through flat to gently rolling farmland in central Delaware. All routes will be marked and provided with sag support (until 5 pm.). A wide array of bicycle friendly food will be available at rest stops at regular intervals (five on the century route). For registration, more information and questions, click HERE.
23 Responses
Is the Shore Fire century route point to point or does it begin and end @ Middletown High School?
All of the Shorefire routes, including the century, begin and end at Middletown High School.
$30 entry fee day of is excessive.
Will the Shorefire Century route go through Dover this year?
Kathleen, yes, the Century route will pass thru Dover again this year. There are changes along the route though due to highway maintenance proejcts, so the routes are not the same as last year. Cue sheets for each route will be availabkle at the start of the ride, as usual.
JW Haupt
WCBC Route Coordinator
What time does the Shorefire start and can you post the cue sheets online?
Please see the club’s web site for more information and details about the upcoming event –
Select the Events menu, then the Shorefire Century within the drop down.
Thank you for your interest in our event.
Hope to see you on Saturday!
JW Haupt
WCBC Vice President
Oops, I failed to answer your question about cue sheets. Cue sheets will be available at registration on the morning of the event.
See you there.
JW Haupt
WCBC Vice President
Yep saw that that the registration for the century is from 7:30am to 9:00pm so it looks like you have what is called a “show and go” start.
It would be nice to have access to a cue sheet prior to the morning of the event so I can build a .tcx file for my garmin 500…
Weather looks good so it should be a fun day, thanks – Monte
Monte, you are correct, there is no “Mass start”. Once you have gone thru the registration process and are ready, you can push off at your leisure.
Cue sheets are available the morning of the event as mentioned and the route has been marked with paint at all turns. Did you pre-register for the event? Those that pre-registered will be given access to online files so that they can download a gps-type file for their individual devices. If you didn’t pre-register, consider doing so next year so you will have access to those files.
See you Saturday.
JW Haupt
WCBC Vice President
I did pre-register, and can’t seem to find the GPS files you refer to in your last post. Can you tell me how I can access them?
Thanks in advance,
An email will go out to all pre-registrants (Active online or mail-ins post marked before the cut off) on Thursday morning with links for to the route mapping web site.
See you Saturday.
JW Haupt
WCBC Vice President
I completed my online registration by the cutoff time so If that means “pre-registered” I am good and should be able to access the gps file.
I can’t. I would also like to know what I need to do to access them..
An email will go out to all pre-registrants (Active online or mail-ins post marked before the cut off) on Thursday morning with links to the route mapping web site.
See you Saturday.
JW Haupt
WCBC Vice President
Thank you for updating the Shorefire event tab to indicate links to .GPX files will be sent to pre-registered riders. When can I expect to receive the email?
Oops – just re-read your last comment and see that the mail will go out this morning. Sorry for the confusion.
Thanks again,
Got the files, thank you
Well done!
See you Saturday…
I got my email as well. Thanks for getting this out to us. I’m looking forward to the ride on Saturday.
Monte/Matt, thanks for the follow up.
Enjoy the ride.
JW Haupt
I registered about a week ago, but I did not receive the email this morning. Any way I could have it forwarded to me?
Daniel, the link was provided in an auto emailing from If you did not receive it, check your junk mail/spam folder. It was received by others, so you should have received it as well.
I will have a laptop at registration and will make the gps-type files available for downloading. If you haven’t received it, see me at registration. Please bring the cable you use to connect your unit to your PC, just in case it is different than the one I have.
See you Saturday.
JW Haupt
WCBC Vice President