Bicycle Advocate Larry Wonderlin Honored With Plaque on Junction & Breakwater Trail

Larry Wonderlin (center) helped inspire the creation of the Junction & Breakwater Trail (images left and right above).
At a ceremony on Wednesday near the Holland Glade trestle bridge on the Junction and Breakwater Trail, a plaque dedicated to the late Larry Wonderlin, recognizing the former long-time Sussex County resident for his bicycle advocacy, was unveiled.
Larry was an active and devoted cyclist earning medals in Delaware and National Senior Olympic competitive bike races. Larry along with area cyclists Mike Tyler and Jim Ippolito were instrumental in envisioning a trail between Lewes and Rehoboth along the former Penn Central rail line. That same group would later persuade the Delaware Division of Parks & Recreation, DNREC, that a trail along the former rail corridor was possible and supported the land acquisitions necessary to bring the trail to fruition.
In the 1974 Bikeway Study – a report to the General Assembly – potential connections between Lewes and Rehoboth were recommended including the former rail corridor and through Cape Henlopen State Park. The Junction & Breakwater Trail opened December 4, 2003 while the Gordons Pond Trail in Cape Henlopen State Park was opened just last week.
Wonderlin’s cycling advocacy in Coastal Sussex led to the founding of Sussex Cyclists in 2002. Sussex Cyclists promotes cycling in Coastal Sussex County.

Plaque unveiled on Wednesday (left). Family and friends gather on the Junction & Breakwater Trail on Wednesday (right).