Governor Markell, Secretary O’Mara Open Scenic Gordons Pond Trail

The beautiful Gordons Pond in Cape Henlopen State Park near Lewes.

The new Gordons Pond Trail in Cape Henlopen State Park was officially opened on Wednesday by Governor Markell and DNREC Secretary O’Mara. In addition to offering remarkable views of parts of Cape Henlopen State Park that are often missed by visitors, the trail also completes a 16 mile “loop” ride between Lewes and Rehoboth. Photo credit: Ron MacArthur/Cape Gazette.

Cycling on the elevated boardwalk, part of the Gordons Pond Trail. Photo credit: Ron MacArthur/Cape Gazette
5 Responses
Beautiful but, WOW that looks awfully narrow for a trail open to cycling!
It definitely is unusually narrow for a bike path. A DOT would never build something that narrow, but this was built by a DNR. Still, it’s comfortable for light volumes and daylight riding.
It’s over a marsh ,where you typically would not find a bike trail, so yes, it might be a bit more narrow than you you would expect.
I just got done working on a trail design project for a National Forest in Idaho. I wanted the trail to be minimum of 8 feet wide but had to settle for 6.5 (but with no railings). When a grant administrator from Idaho Parks and Rec came to review the project for funding she asked why it wasn’t 8 to 10 feet wide and said it would be easier to fund if it meet the AASHTO standards for bike trails. There is no reason why a bike trail built by a park service shouldn’t meet the AASHTO minimum design guidelines.
Considering that this trail provides an important (but less than critical) connection between Rehoboth Beach and the campground, ferry and northern beaches, this trail is sure to see lots of bike traffic. It’s also stunningly beautiful which is sure to bring people out. A cyclist passing a pedestrian will be a squeeze. Two cyclists passing one another will be very difficult at any speed. Yes there are wetlands but this is a safety issue.
It’s a wonderful walkway but not a bicycle compatible path.
Biking this trail is great. I Also Jog it. It gets a lot of use mid-day during the beach season. There is a variety of users including all age groups. Also, those little tow-behind bike stroller things are popular which is pretty cool seeing a whole family rolling down the trail.
8′ wide is plenty for two 24″wide bikes to pass each other. I do it all the time, and so do the hundreds of other users.
Its a long boardwalk… Additional width = additional cost. I’m just happy that we have it!
Make it any wider and people stop to smell the roses, and/or start riding/walking side-by-side which inhibits passing and causes conflict.