Newark to Wilmington Trail Study Presentation by DelDOT

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Newark to Wilmington Trail Study Presentation by DelDOT

June 2, 2014 All Ages and Abilities Cycling Low Traffic Stress Bikeway Networks No Digest Transportation Trails 1
Proposed trail alignments between Wilmington and Newark

Proposed trail alignments between Wilmington and Newark

If you’d like to get an update on the Newark to Wilmington Trail, DelDOT will be presenting the results of its study that evaluated potential trail connections across New Castle County between Newark and Wilmington.

When will DelDOT be moving on a first segment of this trail? Today at 3PM in Newark is your chance to ask!

DATE: Tuesday, June 3, 2014

TIME: 3:00 p.m.

PLACE: WILMAPCO, 850 Library Avenue, Suite 100, Newark



• Newark to Wilmington Pathway Feasibility Study (DelDOT)

“Yes, Please!”

• This Is Not Your Father’s DelDOT Project

Archive of articles on Newark-to-Wilmington Trail

• Imagine: Bicycling Between Wilmington and Newark

• How do we connect Wilmington and Newark for bicycling?

• See the World-Class Statewide Network of Pathways and Trails DelDOT and DNREC Propose to Build

• Delaware General Assembly Votes $13.25 Million for Walking and Bicycling 


One Response

  1. Kurt Tappe says:

    Really sorry I could not attend because I was working. But this would be AWESOME. I hope even a fraction of the red on that map comes to exist.

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