Novak Druce Sponsors 2014 Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit

Wilmington, Delaware – For six years, Pernell Vaughan has walked to his job as senior e-records coordinator at the Wilmington, Delaware offices of the IP boutique Novak Druce Connolly Bove + Quigg LLP.
“I enjoy walking to work because I don’t have to worry about traffic,” said Vaughan. “I also don’t have the expense of paying for fuel, which is both good for my wallet and the environment.”
As Vaughan’s experience shows, walking and bicycling are not only healthy outdoor activities, but they also add vibrancy to a local community, reduces traffic congestion, save on fuel costs and improve the environment. That’s why Novak Druce is helping to make Delaware one of the most bike-friendly states in the U.S. by sponsoring the 2014 Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit. Sussex Outdoors, Bike Delaware, Delaware Greenways, the American Heart Association, the Delaware Department of Transportation and the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control will host the event, which will take place in Dover on May 1.
“We are delighted to support Bike Delaware with this initiative because they are not only a firm client but also have achieved impressive results in promoting cycling and walking in the state,” said Christina Hillson, a trademark attorney in Novak Druce’s Wilmington office. “With just a small budget, they have established Delaware as one of the most bicycle-friendly states in the country, and we are proud to join with them and build on their success.”
At last year’s summit, the League of American Bicyclists ranked Delaware the 5th most bicycle-friendly state in America and the most bicycle-friendly state east of the Mississippi River.
Vaughan originally started walking to work because his house was just down the street from the office. When he moved, he chose a place close to work that allowed him to continue his walking routine because of the exercise and relaxation it affords him.
“It costs me more to live closer to work, but at that point, it was very important to me that I continue to be able to walk to the office,” said Vaughan.
This year’s summit will bring together Delaware Governor Jack Markell and other elected officials, DelDOT managers, engineers, planners, cyclists, public health professionals, and greenway and trail advocates from all across Delaware – plus transportation agency professionals from the most bicycle-friendly places in America – to answer one simple but very basic question: “How can we make Delaware the most bicycle friendly state in America?”
About Novak Druce Connolly Bove + Quigg LLP
Novak Druce Connolly Bove + Quigg LLP is a rapidly growing IP firm focused exclusively on complex intellectual property matters. The firm has offices in Houston; San Francisco; Silicon Valley; Los Angeles; Washington, D.C.; Boston; West Palm Beach, Fla.; and Wilmington, Del. With a renowned patent reexamination practice, Novak Druce was most recently named to World Trademark Review’s “WTR 1000 Guide” and to the 2014 “Best Law Firms” rankings, published by U.S. News Media Group and Best Lawyers. The firm was also named to the National Law Journal’s 2013 “IP Hot List” and its “Midsize Hot List” in 2011 and 2012. Since 2008, the firm has been listed by IP Today as a top U.S. trademark firm and a top patent firm and was named one of the top “Go To” patent law firms in the 2012 Corporate Counsel “Who Represents America’s Biggest Companies” survey. On Jan. 1, 2013, Novak Druce formally merged with Connolly Bove, which frequently ranked among the top U.S. law firms for patent litigation by Corporate Counsel magazine, ranking as high as 19th in overall cases filed in 2012.